- Hurewicz theorem
mathematics , the Hurewicz theorem is a basic result ofalgebraic topology , connectinghomotopy theory withhomology theory via a map known as the Hurewicz homomorphism. The theorem is named afterWitold Hurewicz , and generalizes earlier results fromHenri Poincaré .tatement of the theorems
The Hurewicz theorems are a key link between
homotopy group s andhomology group s.Absolute version
For any space "X" and positive integer "k" there exists a
group homomorphism :h_{ast}colon, pi_k(X) o H_k(X) ,!
called the Hurewicz homomorphism from the "k"-th
homotopy group to the "k"-th homology group (with integer coefficients), which for "k" = 1 is equivalent to the canonical abelianization map:h_{ast}colon, pi_1(X) o pi_1(X)/ [ pi_1(X), pi_1(X)] . ,!
The Hurewicz theorem states that if "X" is ("n"−1)-connected, the Hurewicz map is an
isomorphism for all "k" ≤ "n". In particular, this theorem says that the abelianization of the first homotopy group (thefundamental group ) is isomorphic to the first homology group::H_1(X) cong pi_1(X)/ [ pi_1(X), pi_1(X)] . ,!
The first homology group therefore vanishes if "X" is path-connected and π1("X") is a
perfect group .Relative version
For any pair of spaces ("X","A") and integer "k" > 1 there exists a homomorphism
:h_{ast}colon pi_k(X,A) o H_k(X,A) ,!
from relative homotopy groups to relative homology groups. The Relative Hurewicz Theorem states that if each of "X", "A" are connected and the pair ("X","A") is ("n"−1)-connected then "H""k"("X","A") = 0 for "k" < "n" and "H""n"("X","A") is obtained from π"n"("X","A") by factoring out the action of π1("A"). This is proved in, for example, Harvtxt|Whitehead|1978 by induction, proving in turn the absolute version and the Homotopy Addition Lemma.
This relative Hurewicz theorem is reformulated by Harvtxt|Brown|Higgins|1981 as a statement about the morphism :pi_n(X,A) o pi_n(X cup CA) ,!.
This statement is a special case of a
homotopical excision theorem , involving induced modules for n>2 (crossed modules if n=2), which itself is deduced from a higher homotopyvan Kampen theorem for relative homotopy groups, whose proof requires development of techniques of a cubical higher homotopy groupoid of a filtered space.Triadic version
For any triad of spaces ("X";"A","B") (i.e. space "X" and subspaces "A","B") and integer "k" > 2 there exists a homomorphism
:h_{ast}colon pi_k(X;A,B) o H_k(X;A,B) ,!
from triad homotopy groups to triad homology groups. Note that "H""k"("X";"A","B") ≅ "H""k"("X"∪("C"("A"∪"B")). The Triadic Hurewicz Theorem states that if "X", "A", "B", and "C" = "A"∩"B" are connected, the pairs ("A","C"), ("B","C") are respectively ("p"−1)-, ("q"−1)-connected, and the triad ("X";"A","B") is "p"+"q"−2 connected, then "H""k"("X";"A","B") = 0 for "k" < "p"+"q"−2 and "H""p"+"q"−1("X";"A") is obtained from π"p"+"q"−1("X";"A","B") by factoring out the action of π1("A"−"B") and the generalised Whitehead products. The proof of this theorem uses a higher homotopy van Kampen type theorem for triadic homotopy groups, which requires a notion of the fundamental cat"n"-group of an "n"-cube of spaces.
* citation
last= Brown
first= R.
title= Triadic Van Kampen theorems and Hurewicz theorems
journal= Contemporary Mathematics
year= 1989
volume= 96
issn= 0040-9383
* citation
last1= Brown
first1= Ronald
last2= Higgins
first2= P. J.
title= Colimit theorems for relative homotopy groups
journal= Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
year= 1981
volume= 22
pages= 11–41
issn= 0022-4049
* citation
last1= Brown
first1= R.
last2= Loday
first2= J.-L.
title= Homotopical excision, and Hurewicz theorems, for n-cubes of spaces
journal= Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series
year= 1987
volume= 54
issn= 0024-6115
* citation
last1= Brown
first1= R.
last2= Loday
first2= J.-L.
title= Van Kampen theorems for diagrams of spaces
journal= Topology
year= 1987
volume= 26
issn= 0040-9383
* citation
last= Rotman
first= Joseph J.
title= An Introduction to Algebraic Topology
year= 1988
publication-date= 1998-07-22
series=Graduate Texts in Mathematics
volume= 119
isbn= 978-0-387-96678-6
* citation
last= Whitehead
first= George W.
author-link= George W. Whitehead
title= Elements of Homotopy Theory
year= 1978
series=Graduate Texts in Mathematics
volume= 61
isbn= 978-0-387-90336-1
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