Hurewicz theorem

Hurewicz theorem

In mathematics, the Hurewicz theorem is a basic result of algebraic topology, connecting homotopy theory with homology theory via a map known as the Hurewicz homomorphism. The theorem is named after Witold Hurewicz, and generalizes earlier results from Henri Poincaré.

tatement of the theorems

The Hurewicz theorems are a key link between homotopy groups and
homology groups.

Absolute version

For any space "X" and positive integer "k" there exists a group homomorphism

:h_{ast}colon, pi_k(X) o H_k(X) ,!

called the Hurewicz homomorphism from the "k"-th homotopy group to the "k"-th homology group (with integer coefficients), which for "k" = 1 is equivalent to the canonical abelianization map

:h_{ast}colon, pi_1(X) o pi_1(X)/ [ pi_1(X), pi_1(X)] . ,!

The Hurewicz theorem states that if "X" is ("n"−1)-connected, the Hurewicz map is an isomorphism for all "k" "n". In particular, this theorem says that the abelianization of the first homotopy group (the fundamental group) is isomorphic to the first homology group:

: H_1(X) cong pi_1(X)/ [ pi_1(X), pi_1(X)] . ,!

The first homology group therefore vanishes if "X" is path-connected and π1("X") is a perfect group.

Relative version

For any pair of spaces ("X","A") and integer "k" > 1 there exists a homomorphism

:h_{ast}colon pi_k(X,A) o H_k(X,A) ,!

from relative homotopy groups to relative homology groups. The Relative Hurewicz Theorem states that if each of "X", "A" are connected and the pair ("X","A") is ("n"−1)-connected then "H""k"("X","A") = 0 for "k" < "n" and "H""n"("X","A") is obtained from π"n"("X","A") by factoring out the action of π1("A"). This is proved in, for example, Harvtxt|Whitehead|1978 by induction, proving in turn the absolute version and the Homotopy Addition Lemma.

This relative Hurewicz theorem is reformulated by Harvtxt|Brown|Higgins|1981 as a statement about the morphism :pi_n(X,A) o pi_n(X cup CA) ,!.

This statement is a special case of a homotopical excision theorem, involving induced modules for n>2 (crossed modules if n=2), which itself is deduced from a higher homotopy van Kampen theorem for relative homotopy groups, whose proof requires development of techniques of a cubical higher homotopy groupoid of a filtered space.

Triadic version

For any triad of spaces ("X";"A","B") (i.e. space "X" and subspaces "A","B") and integer "k" > 2 there exists a homomorphism

:h_{ast}colon pi_k(X;A,B) o H_k(X;A,B) ,!

from triad homotopy groups to triad homology groups. Note that "H""k"("X";"A","B") ≅ "H""k"("X"∪("C"("A"∪"B")). The Triadic Hurewicz Theorem states that if "X", "A", "B", and "C" = "A"∩"B" are connected, the pairs ("A","C"), ("B","C") are respectively ("p"−1)-, ("q"−1)-connected, and the triad ("X";"A","B") is "p"+"q"−2 connected, then "H""k"("X";"A","B") = 0 for "k" < "p"+"q"−2 and "H""p"+"q"−1("X";"A") is obtained from π"p"+"q"−1("X";"A","B") by factoring out the action of π1("A""B") and the generalised Whitehead products. The proof of this theorem uses a higher homotopy van Kampen type theorem for triadic homotopy groups, which requires a notion of the fundamental cat"n"-group of an "n"-cube of spaces.


* citation
last= Brown
first= R.
title= Triadic Van Kampen theorems and Hurewicz theorems
journal= Contemporary Mathematics
year= 1989
volume= 96
issn= 0040-9383

* citation
last1= Brown
first1= Ronald
last2= Higgins
first2= P. J.
title= Colimit theorems for relative homotopy groups
journal= Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
year= 1981
volume= 22
pages= 1141
issn= 0022-4049

* citation
last1= Brown
first1= R.
last2= Loday
first2= J.-L.
title= Homotopical excision, and Hurewicz theorems, for n-cubes of spaces
journal= Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series
year= 1987
volume= 54
issn= 0024-6115

* citation
last1= Brown
first1= R.
last2= Loday
first2= J.-L.
title= Van Kampen theorems for diagrams of spaces
journal= Topology
year= 1987
volume= 26
issn= 0040-9383

* citation
last= Rotman
first= Joseph J.
title= An Introduction to Algebraic Topology
publisher= Springer-Verlag
year= 1988
publication-date= 1998-07-22
series= Graduate Texts in Mathematics
volume= 119
isbn= 978-0-387-96678-6

* citation
last= Whitehead
first= George W.
author-link= George W. Whitehead
title= Elements of Homotopy Theory
publisher= Springer-Verlag
year= 1978
series= Graduate Texts in Mathematics
volume= 61
isbn= 978-0-387-90336-1

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