ATO may stand for:

*Abort to Orbit, an intact abort procedure for Space Shuttle launches
*Air Training Officer, a former position at the United States Air Force Academy
*Air Traffic Organization, a FAA terminology
*Alpha Tau Omega, an American student fraternity
*Alpha Tau Omega (Philippines), a Filipino student fraternity
*Alternative Trading Organization (ATO) - a non-governmental organization focusing on Fair Trade exports from developing countries to developed countries.
*Arab Towns Organization, a network to promote cooperation between and development of Arab cities.
*Ammunition Technical Officer, a designation in the British Armed Forces
*Atmos Energy Corporation's ticker symbol on the New York Stock Exchange
*Australian Taxation Office, the Australian government agency which collects taxes and enforces taxation legislation
*Authority To Operate
*Automatic Throw Over (Switch) - equipment which allows for the transfer of electric power from a normal line to an alternate line if the normal line has an outage.
*Automatic train operation
*Automatic Top Off System - for aquariums
*Air Transportation Office - agency of the Philippine government implementing policies on civil aviation to assure safe, economic and efficient air travel.
*ATO Records, a record label
*Assisted take off
*Assemble To Order, see also configure-to-order
*The Amtrak station code for the railroad station at Atco, New Jersey.
*Allowed Time Off
*Antimony Tin Oxide
*Air Tasking Order (United States Air Force), a daily plan of operations for aerial units in a theater of operations. []
*Automotive Technology Organization
*A Twisted Outlook, a pop-culture website
*Amizzle Tellivizzle Online -A large social group in the New England area.

Ato may mean:

*A cacodemon of the Enochian angels.
*Ato (阿藤), a Japanese surname.
*Ato, Yamaguchia Japanese town.
*Osman Ali Ato, a Somali warlord
*One of three 2002 FIFA World Cup mascots.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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