Alexander Vogel

Alexander Vogel

Alexander Vogel is an inmate on the HBO drama Oz.

Character overview

A Russian Jew imprisoned for brutally murdering an elderly couple, he becomes the target of the Aryan Brotherhood who wish to renew their reputation within Oz. His murder goes unsolved when Warden Glynn cannot find any hard evidence implicating Vern Schillinger, the Aryan's leader.

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Vogel first appears in the cafeteria while Aryan inmates Vern Schillinger and Mark Mack discuss improving the Brotherhood's reputation in Oz. Schillinger suggests they commit a "Road Kill" against the meanest "Mutt" (Non-White Person) they can find and see Vogel. As Vogel is feared by the other inmates and is Jewish, he is a perfect target for them. Vogel was next found murdered - hanging upside down in the gymnasium with the word "JEW" carved into his chest. Warden Glynn investigates Schillinger who obstinently replies someone could have easily framed the Brotherhood for killing Vogel. Vern furthermore points out that Glynn's people (Blacks) hate Jews as much as the Aryans and could have killed Vogel for hate related reasons. Glynn angrily dismisses Schillinger and the Aryans reputation for being fearful is restored gaining them the respect of several of Oz's deadlier inmates. When things go bad between Mark Mack and gay inmate Richie Hanlon, the Aryans through one of their CO sympathizers Karl Metzger force Hanlon to confess to murdering Vogel and he is then sent to death row. When Hanlon's death sentence is overturned, inmate Nikolai Stanislofsky, a fellow Russian Jew kills Hanlon to avenge Vogel's death.


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