- Coral bean
name = Coral bean
image_width = 240px
image_caption = Flower of the Coral Bean
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo =Fabales
familia =Fabaceae
subfamilia =Faboideae
tribus =Phaseoleae
genus = "Erythrina "
species = "E. herbacea"
binomial = "Erythrina herbacea"
binomial_authority = L.The Coral bean ("Erythrina herbacea") also known as the Cherokee bean, Red cardinal or Cardinal spear, is a flowering tree found throughout the south-eastern United States and north-eastern
Mexico ; it has also been reported from parts ofCentral America and, as anintroduced species , fromPakistan .The coral bean grows as a low
shrub or smalltree , reaching around 5 meters in height in areas that do not kill it back by freezing. Its leaves are yellowish-green, around 20 cm long and are divided into 8 cm leaflets, shaped like arrowheads. Its bark is smooth and yellowish. Theflower s are bright red, and grow in long clusters, each flower being around 5 cm long; the tree blooms from February to June. They are followed by pods containing bright red seeds (from which the tree gets its name), which are poisonous enough to have been used in the past as arat poison.The coral bean grows in pinelands,
hammock s, and disturbed areas. Within its natural range it can readily be grown in gardens. Although its use in gardens is not particularly common, it is popular among those who do grow it as a source of early season color, for its hardiness, and because it attractshummingbird s.Native American people had many medicinal uses for this plant, varying between nations and localities. Creek women used an infusion of the root for
bowel pain in women; theChoctaw used a decoction of the leaves as a general tonic; theSeminole used an extract of the roots for digestive problems, and extracts of the seeds, or of the inner bark, as an external rub for rheumatic disorders.Various other systematic names have been used for this plant in the past, including "Erythrina arborea", "Erythrina hederifolia", "Erythrina humilis", "Erythrina rubicunda", "Corallodendron herbaceum" and "Xyphanthus hederifolius".
* [http://www.plantatlas.usf.edu/main.asp?plantID=3264 Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants: "Erythrina herbacea"]
* [http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?15748 Germplasm Resources Information Network: "Erythrina herbacea"]
* [http://plantsdatabase.com/go/2724/index.html Plants data base entry: "Erythrina herbacea"]
*Alden, P., et al. (1988). "National Audubon Society field guide to Florida". New York: Knopf.
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