

"Alcmeonis" (Greek: Ἀλκμεωνίς, "Alkmeonis" or "Alkmaionis") is the title of a lost early Greek epic which is considered to have formed part of the Theban cycle.

There are only seven references to the "Alcmeonis" in ancient literature, and all of them make it clear that the authorship of the epic was unknown. It told the story of Alcmaeon's killing of his mother Eriphyle for having arranged the death of his father Amphiaraus, whose murder was narrated in the "Thebaid".

One of the surviving fragments is quoted by Athenaeus in the "Deipnosophistae": he chose it because it describes a funeral banquet. The lines have very little in common with descriptions of feasts in the "Iliad" and "Odyssey".


*"Greek epic fragments" ed. and tr. Martin L. West (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2003) pp. 10-11, 58-63.

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