- Rainbow Family
The Rainbow Family of Living Light, also known as The Rainbow Family, are a loosely affiliated group of individuals committed to principles of non-violence and non-hierarchical
egalitarianism . Founded in 1972 in the United States, the Rainbow Family has held annual "Gatherings" in National Forests for the first week of July each year. TheRainbow Gathering s are non-commercial and all who wish to attend peacefully are welcome. There are no leaders, and traditionally the gatherings take place for a week, with a primary focus on theFourth of July in North America, when attendees pray, meditate, or observe silence in a group effort to focus on World Peace. Thus, the name "Rainbow Family of Living Light" is a reflection of both the emphasis on welcoming people of all races, religions, ethnicity, and social status, as well as a spiritual focus towards peace.Those who attend
Rainbow Gathering s come from all walks of life, and work together for a variety of goals, among whichintentional communities ,ecology ,spirituality , and an expanded tolerance for others are traditional themes. Those who attend refer to one another as Rainbows, or often as Brothers or Sisters reinforcing the emphasis upon a belief that all people are not only related as part of the human community, but are just as important as members of one's own nuclear family, and given the respect implied in such relationships. Group Councils are the only form of government, and attendance is open to all interested parties, with decisions being reached throughconsensus . Money is not exchanged, and instead there is a bartering system for all needs, although a magic hat is passed around for necessities, such as additional food, that benefit all who attend.Goals
The organization is a loose international affiliation of individuals who have a common goal of trying to achieve
peace andlove onEarth . Those who participate in, or sympathize with, the activities of this group sometimes refer to the group simply as the "Family." Rainbow Family participants make the claim that their group is the "largest non-organization of non-members in the world." In addition to referring to itself as a non-organization, the group's "non-members" also even playfully call the group a "disorganization." There are no official leaders or structure, no officialspokesperson s, and no formalized membership. Strictly speaking, the only goals are set by each individual, as no individual can claim to represent all Rainbows in word or deed.Gatherings
All Rainbow Gatherings are held with an open invitation to people of all walks of life, and of all beliefs, to share experiences, love, dance, music, food and learning.
The Rainbow Family is most widely known for its large annual American Gatherings (or U.S. "Nationals" and/or "Annuals") which are held on
U.S. Forest Service andBureau of Land Management land. These U.S. Annual Gatherings usually attract between 10,000 and 25,000 participants.In addition to these larger U.S. Annuals, the Rainbow Family also holds gatherings throughout the year in dozens of other countries. "World Gatherings" are also held from time to time in various countries. Other Rainbow Family activities include regional gatherings (or Regionals) and retreats. There are also small, local activities such as local drum circles,
potluck s, music related events and campouts.Government representatives say "The Rainbow Family purposely poises itself on the brink of anarchy, that its gatherings attract dangerous and idle masses that overwhelm county and state services, disregard local communities, and destroy the natural resources the group claims to worship." The Forest Service Incident Management team cost federal taxpayers $750,000 in 2006, and the team handled the gathering in Colorado that year and other large events in National Forests. A similar gathering, The
Burning Man Festival held each year in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, pays the Bureau of Land Management $750,000 for a permit, and recoups the cost by charging attendees between $185 and $250 [http://www.csindy.com/gyrobase/Content?oid=oid%3A18611 "Om on the range: The Rainbow Family welcomes itself back to Colorado", The Colorado Springs Independent, June 12, 2006.] ] Controversies over the Rainbow Family's 1987 Gathering are discussed in the bookJudge Dave and the Rainbow People .Incidents
In July, 2008, an incident occurred at a Rainbow Gathering in Wyoming when Forest Service officers tried to arrest a member of the group. A spokeswoman for the U.S. Forest Service said that about 400 participants in the Gathering began to advance, throwing sticks and rocks at the officers. [http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hN-c-3eoJ10eVh0oueH7birn-AJAD91N7IAG0 5 arrested in Rainbow Family clash with feds] ] Pepper balls were then fired to control the crowd. [http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hN-c-3eoJ10eVh0oueH7birn-AJAD91O47G01 ACLU plans to investigate Rainbow Family treatment] ] Witnesses reported that officers pointed weapons at children and fired rubber bullets at gathering participants. [http://www.jacksonholestartrib.com/articles/2008/07/05/news/wyoming/b6f13c1e812604148725747d0005a3c0.txt Arrest leads to Rainbow riot] ] One witness was reported as saying "They were so violent, like dogs" The
ACLU said it would investigate the behavior of the officers a spokesmen saying that they were concerned by the handling of the situation "Particularly the pretext arrests — the idea that people are just cruising around looking for people to arrest when there have been no complaints and no reason for them to be there."ee also
*Hippie References
External links
* [http://welcomehome.org/rainbow/ Welcomehome.org] Rainbow Family of the Living Light "Unofficial Homepage"
* [http://mediastudy.com/rainbow.html People of the Rainbow: A Nomadic Utopia] — an ethnographic study of the Rainbow Family
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