- Gustav zu Putlitz
Gustav Heinrich Gans Edler Herr von und zu Putlitz (
March 20 ,1821 –September 5 ,1890 ) was a Germanauthor born at Retzien nearPerleberg in WestPrignitz .He studied law at Berlin and Heidelberg, and was attached to the provincial government at
Magdeburg from 1846-1848. In 1853 he marriedGräfin Elisabeth von Königsmark , and lived on his estate until 1863, when he became director of the Court theatre atSchwerin .This post he left in 1867, was for a short time chamberlain to the crown prince of
Prussia , afterwards the Emperor Frederick III, and from 1873 to 1889 successfully directed the Court theatre atKarlsruhe . He died at Retzien.Putlitz made his debut as a writer with a volume of romantic stories, "Was sich der Wald erzahlt" (1850), which attained great popularity (fifty editions) and found many imitators; but he was most successful in his comedies, notably "Badekuren" (1859); "Das Herz vergessen" (1853); and "Spielt nicht mit dem Feuer!" (1887), while of his narratives "Die Alpenbraut" (1870) and "Walpurgis" (1870) are distinguished by refined terseness of style and delicacy of portraiture.
A selection of his works, "Ausgewählte Werke", was published in six volumes in Berlin (1872-1877), and a supplementary volume in 1888; his comedies, "Lustspiele", appeared in two series of four volumes each (1851-1860 and 1869-1872). See E. zu Putlitz, "Gustav zu Putlitz, Ein Lebensbild aus Briefen" (3 vols., 1894-1895).
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