

Anastasiopolis, Greek for 'city of Anastasios', is the name of several ancient cities:
* Dara (Mesopotamia) in the Roman province of Mesopotamia (Roman province), in modern Turkey
*In Asia Minor:
**Anastasiopolis (Galatia), (modern Beypazarı) episcopal see, suffragan of the metropolitan of Ancyra (modern Ankara)
** Anastasiopolis (Phrygia), episcopal see, suffragan of Laodicea
** Anastasiopolis (Caria), a later name of Telmessos (modern Fethiye)
* Anastasiopolis (Thrace)

ources and references

*Catholic []
*Gams, 441, 446, 448 for the episcopal sees

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  • Anastasiopolis — • Name of four ancient sees Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Anastasiopolis     Anastasiopolis     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Anastasiopŏlis — (a. Geogr.), vom Kaiser Anastasius I. in Mygdonia angelegte Festung, 1/2 Ml. von Nisibis; heißt auch Dara, nach einem dasigen Städtchen …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Anastasiopolis — Telmessos 36°39′5″N 29°7′23″E / 36.65139, 29.12306 Telmessos, Telmessus ou Telmesse (actuelle Fethiye) (en grec : Τελμησσός ; …   Wikipédia en Français

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