

Callistus, Callixtus (both Latin) and Kallistos (in Greek) may refer to:

Popes and antipopes

* Saint Callixtus I, pope from about 217 to 222
* Pope Callixtus II, pope from 1119 to 1124
* Antipope Callixtus III, antipope from 1168 to 1178
* Pope Callixtus III, pope from 1455 to 1458

Other persons

* Callistus, a Roman general of the 3rd century more commonly known as Balista
* Callistus Xanothopoulos, a patriarch of Constantinople
* Gaius Julius Callistus, a Greek freedman of the Roman emperor Caligula
* Georgius Calixtus, a 17th-century proponent of ecumenism
* Kallistos Ware, Metropolitan of Diokleia, an Orthodox assistant bishop in the UK
* Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopoulos, last of the Greek ecclesiastical historians, flourished around 1320


* "Callistus (beetle)", a ground beetle genus

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  • Callistus II —     Pope Callistus II     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pope Callistus II     Date of birth unknown; died 13 December, 1124. His reign, beginning 1 February, 1119, is signalized by the termination of the Investiture controversy which, begun in the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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