- Jacques Kinnaer
Jacques Kinnaer is a Belgian Egyptologist with an M.A. from the
University of Leuven (1988). He is the creator of The Ancient Egypt Site (see External Links, below).Writings by Kinnaer
*Le Mekes et l'Imit-Per dans les scènes des temples Ptolémaiques et Romains, in OLP 22 (1991), pp. 73-99
*De Ene en de Velen : Opmerkingen over het Oudegyptisch godsbeeld, in Scriba 1 (1992), pp. 71-137
*The Ancient Egypt Site, The Internet, 1997 ff.
*The Decoration Program of the Propylon of Khonsu at Karnak, in KMT 10/2 (1999), pp. 56-65
*The Narmer Palette, in The Glyph 1/18 (September 1999), pp. 8-9
*Miscellaneous contributions to the website of EgyptVoyager, The Internet, 2000 ff.
*Thutmose II Chronology Questioned, Reader's Letter in KMT 11/3 (2000), pp. 4-5
*Aha or Narmer. Which Was Menes? in KMT 12/3 (2001), pp. 74-81
*Akhenaten. What's in a Name? in Seshen 14 (2002), pp. 5-6
*Het Naqada-label en het debat rond de identificatie van Menes, in Phoenix 48,1 (2002), pp. 4-13
*The Naqada Label and the Identification of Menes, in: Eldamaty, Mamdouh; Trad, Mai [Editors] , Egyptian Collections around the World: Studies for the Centennial of the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. (Cairo; Supreme Council of Antiquities. Distributed by the American University in Cairo Press; 2002), pages 657-666
*The Ancient Egypt Site, 2nd edition, The Internet, 2003 - 2005.
*The Naqada Label and the Identification of Menes, in Göttinger Miszellen 196 (2003), pp. 23-30.
*Nefertiti Maelstrom, Reader's Letter in KMT 14/4 (2003), pp. 5-6
*What is Really Known About The Narmer Palette?, in KMT 15/1 (2004), pp. 48-54.
*The Ancient Egypt Site, 3rd edition, The Internet, 2006 ff.External links
*The Ancient Egypt Site at [http://www.ancient-egypt.org/ ancient-egypt.org] ("Kinnaer's website")
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.