- Henry Gould
Henry Gould is an American poet living in
Providence, Rhode Island , where he works atBrown University . His works include Stubborn Grew and Way Stations: Poems 1985-1997 He keeps a well-read poetry blog, and is known for having been embroiled in aPOETICS list controversy.Gould is a founding member of the Poetry Mission, a Rhode Island -based arts association. He recently co-edited and published an anthology in honor of poet/translator
Edwin Honig entitled "A Glass of Green Tea". Gould's poems, essays and reviews have appeared in: "alea", "apex of the M", "Electronic Poetry Review", "Free Cuisenart", "Happy Genius", "LVNG", "Negations", "Newport Review", "Poetry New York", "Providence Journal", "Talisman", "Taproot Reviews", and "Witz".Some of his published work includes: "Stubborn Grew" (Spuyten Duyvil, 2000) and "Way Stations : poems 1985-1997 "'(Xlibris, 2001), and the e-book "Island Road" (Mudlark No. 6, 1997). Chapbooks of his early poems were published by Hellcoal Press ("Where the Skies are Not Cloudy All Day", 1972) and "Copper Beech Press" (Stone, 1979) [ [http://www.unf.edu/mudlark/mudlark06/a-notehg.html Author's Bio at MUDLARK] ] .
External links
* [http://www.unf.edu/mudlark/mudlark06/gould.html "Island Road"] a long poem published by Gould in 1997 in
e-book format
* [http://hgpoetics.blogspot.com/ HG Poetics] Gould'sweblog
* [http://www.fieralingue.it/modules.php?name=Content&pa=list_pages_categories&cid=70 Poet's Corner - "Fieralingue"]
* [http://www.flashpointmag.com/hgtojb.htm HENRY GOULD RESPONDS TO JOE BRENNAN'S ESSAY:"A=R=T M=E=A=N=S"]
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