- Presence information
In computer and
telecommunications network s, presence information is a status indicator that conveys ability and willingness of a potential communication partner - for example a user to communicate. A user's client provides presence information (presence state) via a network connection to apresence service , which is stored in what constitutes his personal availability record (called apresentity ) and can be made available for distribution to other users (called "watchers") to convey his availability for communication. Presence information has wide application in many communication services and is one of the innovations driving the popularity ofinstant messaging or recent implementations ofvoice over IP clients.Presence state
A user client may publish a presence state to indicate its current communication status. This published state informs others that wish to contact the user of his availability and willingness to communicate. The most common use of presence today is to display an indicator icon on
instant messaging clients, typically from a choice of graphic symbol with an easy-to-convey meaning, and a list of corresponding text descriptions of each of the states. Even when technically not the same, the "on-hook" or "off-hook" state of called telephone is an analogy, as long as the caller receives a distinctive tone indicating unavailability or availability.Common states on the user's availability are "free for chat", "busy", "away", "do not disturb", "out to lunch". Such states exist in many variations across different modern instant messaging clients. Current standards support a rich choice of additional presence attributes that can be used for presence information, such as user mood, location, or free text status.
The analogy with free/busy tone on
PSTN is inexact, as the "on-hook" telephone status really shows the availability of "network connectivity" for reaching the called number, not really with the availability of the device or its user. But when we compare the scenario of only one line and can indicate availability and unavailability status (free/busy tone), the benefit for the calling party is very similar: They can decide if they want to start communication in a different way (try using another communication method or postpone the call). Presence goes insofar further as it allows to know if the state is free or busy even before trying to begin a conversation.MPOP and presence by observation
Presence becomes interesting for communication systems when it spans a number of different communication channels. The idea that multiple communication devices can combine state, to provide an aggregated view of a user's presence has been termed Multiple Points of Presence (MPOP). MPOP becomes even more powerful when it is automatically inferred from passive observation of a user's actions. This idea is already familiar to instant messaging users who have their status set to "Away" (or equivalent) if their computer keyboard is inactive for some time. Extension to other devices could include whether the user's cell phone is on, whether they are logged into their computer, or perhaps checking their electronic calendar to see if they are in a meeting or on vacation. For example, if a user's calendar was marked as out of office and their cell phone was on, they might be considered in a "Roaming" state.
MPOP status can then be used to automatically direct incoming messages across all contributing devices. For example "Out of office" might translate to a system directing all messages and calls to the user's cell phone. The status "Do not disturb" might automatically save all messages for later and send all phone calls to voicemail.
XMPP, discussed below, allows for MPOP by assigning each client a "resource" (a specific identifier) and a priority number for each resource. A message directly to the user's ID would go to the resource with highest priority, although messaging a specific resource is possible by using the form user@domain/resource.
Privacy concerns
Presence is highly sensitive information and in non-trivial systems a presentity may define limits to which its presence information may be revealed to different watchers. For example, a worker may only want colleagues to see detailed presence information during office hours. Basic versions of this idea are already common in instant messaging clients as a "Blocking" facility, where users can appear as unavailable to selected watchers.
Commercial products
Presence, particularly MPOP, requires collaboration between a number of electronic devices (for example IM client, home phone, cell phone, and electronic calendar) and the presence services each of them are connected with. To date, the most common and wide-scale implementations use closed systems, with a SPOP (Single Point of Presence, where a single device publishes state). Some vendors have upgraded their services to automatically log out connected clients when a new login request reaches the server from a newly connecting different device. For presence to universally work with MPOP support, multiple devices must be able to not only intercommunicate among each other, the status information must also be appropriately handled by all other interoperable, connected presence services and the MPOP scheme for their clients.
2.5G and, even more so,3G cell phone networks can support management and access of presence information services for mobile users cell phone handsets.In the workplace, private messaging servers offer the possibility of MPOP within a company or work team.
Presence information in the business community
Presence information is a growing tool towards more effective and efficient communication within a business setting. Presence information allows you to instantly see who is available in your corporate network, giving more flexibility to set up short-term meetings and conference calls. The result is precise communication that all but eliminates the inefficiency of phone tag or email messaging. An example of the time-saving aspect of presence information is a driver with a GPS; he/she can be tracked and sent messages on upcoming traffic patterns that, in return, save time and money. According to IDC surveys, employees "often feel that IM gives their workdays the kind of 'flow' that they feel when sitting directly among their colleagues, being able to ask questions of them, and getting the kind of quick responses that allow them to drive on to the next task."
With presence information, privacy of the users can become an issue. For example, when an employee is on his/her day off they are still connected to the network and have greater ability to be tracked down. Therefore, a concern of presence information is to determine how far the companies want to go with staying connected.
Presence standardization efforts
There was, and still is, significant work done in several
working group s on achieving a standardization for presence-related protocols.In 1999, a group called the Instant Message and Presence Protocol (IMPP) working group (WG), was formed within the Internet Engineering Task Force organization (IETF) in order to develop protocols and data formats for simple presence and instant messaging services. Unfortunately, IMPP WG was not able to come to consensus on a single protocol for presence. Instead it issued a common profile for presence and instant messaging (CPP) which defined semantics for common services of presence to facilitate the creation of gateways between presence services. Thus any two CPP-compatible presence protocol suits are automatically interoperable.
In 2001, the
SIMPLE working group was formed within IETF to develop a suite of CPP-compliant standards for presence and instant messaging applications over the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The SIMPLE activity specifies extensions to the SIP protocol which deal with a publish and subscribe mechanism for presence information and sending instant messages. These extensions include rich presence document formats, privacy control, partical publications and notifications, past and future presence, watcher information and more. Interestingly enough - despite its name SIMPLE is far from simple. It is described in about 30 documents (most of them are still drafts) on more than 1,000 pages. This is in addition to the complexity of the SIP protocol stack on which SIMPLE is based.At the end of 2001, Nokia, Motorola, and Ericsson formed the Wireless Village (WV) initiative to define a set of universal specifications for mobile Instant Messaging and Presence Services (IMPS) and presence services for wireless networks. In October 2002, Wireless Village was consolidated into the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) and a month later released the first version ofthe
XML -based OMA Instant Message and Presence Service (IMPS ). IMPS defines a system architecture, syntax, and semantics for representation of presence information and a set of protocols for the four primary features: presence, IM, groups, and shared content. Presence is the key, enabling technology for the IMPS.The XML-based XMPP or Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol was designed and is currently maintained by the Jabber Software Foundation. It is the base of the Jabber IM protocol, which is a robust and widely extended protocol. It is also the protocol used in the commercial implementation of
Google Talk . In October 2004, the XMPP working group atIETF published the documents RFC 3920, RFC 3921, RFC 3922 and RFC 3923, to standardize the core XMPP protocol.References
* Day, M., J. Rosenberg, and H. Sugano. "A Model for Presence and Instant Messaging." RFC 2778 February 2000.
* Open Mobile Alliance [http://www.openmobilealliance.com/release_program/imps_v1_1.html OMA Instant Message and Presence Service V1.1 Approved Enabler] November 2002
* Open Mobile Alliance [http://www.openmobilealliance.com/release_program/Presence_simple_v1_0.html OMA Presence Simple V1.0 Approved Enabler] July 2006.
* 3GPP TR 23.841 (Technical Report) [http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/html-info/23841.htm Presence service; Architecture and Functional Description]
* 3GPP TS 23.141 (Technical Specification) [http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/html-info/23141.htm Presence service; Architecture and functional description; Stage 2]
* 3GPP TS 24.141 (Technical Specification) [http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/html-info/24141.htm Presence service using the IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem; Stage 3]
* [http://www.masternewmedia.org/news/2004/09/23/presence_awareness_indicators_where.htm “Presence Awareness Indicators - Where Are You Now?”] Robin Good. September 23, 2004. Haag, Stephen. Cummings, Maeve. McCubbrey J, Donald. Pinsonneault, Alain. Donovan, Richard. Management Information Systems for the Information Age. Third Canadian Edition. Canada. McGraw-Hill, 2006.External links
* [http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/rtcclnt/rtc/real_time_communications_rtc_client_start_page.asp Windows: RTC Client API Platform]
* [http://www.jabber.org/ Jabber Software Foundation]
* [http://www.xmpp.org/ XMPP.org]
* [http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/simple-charter.html SIMPLE Charter]
* [http://www.softarmor.com/simple/ The SIMPLE Working Group]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.