

Infobox CityIT
official_name = Comune di Vieste
img_coa = Vieste-Stemma.png img_coa_small =

image_caption =
region = RegioneIT|sigla=PUG
province = ProvinciaIT (short form)|sigla=FG (FG)
mayor =
mayor_party =
elevation_footnotes =
elevation_m = 43
area_footnotes =
area_total_km2 = 167.52
population_footnotes =
population_as_of = 31-12-04
population_total = 13600
pop_density_footnotes =
population_density_km2 = 80
coordinates = coord|41|53|0|N|16|10|0|E|region:IT_type:city(13600)
gentilic = Viestani
telephone = 0884
postalcode = 71019
frazioni = Pugnochiuso
saint = Santa Maria di Merino, San Giorgio
day = 9 May and 23 April
mapx = #expr:41 + 53 / 60.0
mapy = #expr:16 + 10 / 60.0
locator_position =
native_name = Vieste
name = Vieste
website =

Vieste is a town and "comune" in the province of Foggia, in the Apulia region of southeast Italy. A renowned marine resort in Gargano, Vieste has often received Blue Flags for the purity of its waters from the Foundation for Environmental Education.

The town is bordered by Mattinata, Monte Sant'Angelo, Peschici and Vico del Gargano. Till a few decades ago, its main resources were fishing and agriculture. Now, however, the great development of tourism, with modern hotels, villages and campings has transformed both the appearance of the place and its economy and style of life.


The coast is very interesting from a geological point of view. The erosion by water and winds has shaped the calcareous rock into grottoes and archs. Since the coast is steep, some of the finest sights can be reached only by sea.

Notes and references

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