Grunddal Sjallung

Grunddal Sjallung

Grunddal Sjallung (1895-1972) was a psychologist and teacher. His involvement with Freemasonry, of which he wrote many articles and translated many books, earned him a place in Danish freemasonic history. He is the exclusive author of a masonic rite known as Ritus Hauniensis, which is build on a sceleton from Emulation Workings, combined with German and French traditions. The rite includes lectures on alchemy and elemental magic and is still worked in small lodges in Denmark.

Sjallungs first affiliations with Freemasonry went through membership of Le Droit Humaine, a co-masonic order of French origin. In the 1920'ies he left Le Droit Humaine and joined the Martinist Lodge "Sphinxen", founded by Danish Luciferian Carl William Hansen. Hansen was a "Supreme and Holy King" of the O.T.O., chartered by Theodor Reuss in 1921. Though Hansen and Sjallung parted in 1930, Sjallung claimed to have inherited (a doubtful claim) the O.T.O. title from Hansen. In 1938 Aleister Crowley recognized Grunddal Sjallung as a legitimate Xth degree in the order.

The O.T.O. in Denmark worked with the Ritus Hauniensis and members of the higher degrees were awarded with the IXth degree of the O.T.O.. Ritus Hauniensis is one of the few "original" O.T.O. rites and features no trace of Thelema, but has plenty of references to occult tradition.

Sjallung himself was probably not a Thelemite, but his vast book collection included copies of books from Aleister Crowley, many of them bearing handwritten comments showing his occult insight.

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* [ Danish, Free and Independent Masons]

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