[Gottfredson, Linda (December 13, 1994). Mainstream Science on Intelligence. "Wall Street Journal", p A18.] ]His work with Rex Jung on the parieto-frontal intelligence theory represents a testable model of the neuroanatomy of intelligence based on neuro-imaging research. [http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070918/ap_on_he_me/studying_intelligence]
elected bibliography
*Haier RJ, Robinson DL, Braden W, Williams D. Electrical potential of the cerebral cortex and psychometric intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 4(6): 591-599, 1983.
*Haier RJ. The end of intelligence research. Intelligence, 14: 371-374, 1990.
*Haier RJ, Benbow C. Gender differences and lateralization in temporal lobe glucose metabolism during mathematical reasoning. Developmental Neuropsychology, 11: 405-414, 1995
*Mansour, CS, Haier RJ, Buchsbaum MS. Gender comparisons of cerebral glucose metabolism during a cognitive task. Personality and Individual Differences, 20(2): 182-191, 1996.
*Haier RJ, White NS, Akire MT. Individual difference in general intelligence correlate to brain function during non-reasoning tasks. Intelligence, 31(5), 429-441, 2003.
*Haier RJ, Jung R, Yeo R, Head K, Alkire MT. Structural brain variation and general intelligence. NeuroImage, 23(1): 425-433, 2004.
*Haier RJ. Brain Imaging Studies of Intelligence: Individual Differences and Neurobiology. In Model of Intelligence: International Perspectives, Edited by RJ Sternberg, J Lautrey, & TI Lubart, Washington DC: American Psychological Association, 2003.
*Haier RJ. Biological Theories of Intelligence. In Introduction to the Psychology of Individual Differences, Edited by R Colom & C FLores-Mendoza, ArtMed Publishers, 2006.
*Haier RJ. Brains, Bias, and Biology: Follow the Data. In Are Sex Differences in Cognition Responsible for the Under-representation of Women in Scientific Careers?, Edited by SJ Ceci * W Williams, APA Books, 2007.
Haier, RJ, Jung R, Yeo R, Head, K, & Alkire, MT. Structural brain variation, age and response time, Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 5 (2),246-251, 2005.
Colom, R, Jung, R.E., & Haier, RJ. Distributed Brain Sites for the g-factor of intelligence, NeuroImage, 31,1359-1365, 2006.
Colom, R, Jung, R.E., & Haier, RJ. Finding the g factor of intelligence in brain structure using the method of correlated vectors, Intelligence, 34, 561-570, 2006.
Head, E., Lott, IT., Patterson, D., Doran, E. & Haier, RJ. Possible compensatory events in adult Down syndrome brain prior to the development of Alzheimer disease neuropathology: Targets for non-pharmacological intervention. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Mar;11(1):61-76, 2007.
Jung R. E. & Haier, R.J., The Parieto-Frontal Integration Theory (P-FIT) of Intelligence: Converging Neuroimaging Evidence. Behavioral and Brain Sciences (target article), 30, 135-187, 2007.
Haier, R.J. & Jung, R.E. Beautiful Minds (i.e. Brains) and the Neural Basis of Intelligence: Behavioral and Brain Sciences (response to commentaries), 30, 174-187, 2007.
Colom, R, Jung, R.E., & Haier, RJ. General intelligence and memory span: Evidence for a common neuroanatomic framework. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 24 (8), 867-878, 2007.
Johnson, W., Jung, RE., Colom, R., & Haier RJ. Cognitive abilities independent of IQ correlate with regional brain structure. Intelligence, 36, 18-28, 2008.
Haier, RJ, Head, K., Head, E & Lott, IT. Neuroimaging of individuals with Down’s syndrome at-risk for dementia: Evidence for possible compensatory events. NeuroImage, 39 (3), 1324-1332, 2008.
Haier, RJ & Jung, R. Brain Imaging Studies of Intelligence and Creativity---What is the Picture for Education? Roeper Review (special issue on giftedness and neuroscience), in press
External links
* [http://www.ucihs.uci.edu/pediatrics/faculty/neurology/haier/haier.html Richard J. Haier website] via UCI