Wilma Landkroon

Wilma Landkroon

Wilma Landkroon (born April 28, 1957, in Enschede, Overijssel) is a Dutch pop singer. At eleven years old, her first top chart success in the Netherlands and Germany was in 1968 the song “Heintje, bau ein Schloss für mich” (Heintje, build a castle for me). After this, Wilma had many successes in Netherlands and Germany during the years 1969 and 1970 (see Discographie). When Klaus Lorenzen became new producer of the young singer, she started to record some of her songs in different languages, as English and even Japanese, and had international chart successes (“Tulips from Amsterdam”; “Lavender blue”). After 1971, Wilma was a star only in the Netherlands, and some years later she became nearly forgotten. In 2003, a CD with old and new songs of her was produced (“Wilma –Toen en Nu”, what means "Wilma – Then and Now"). In the song “Gouden Platen – volle Salen” (Golden Records – Full Halls) she gives a melancholy review on her life as one of the most successful child stars of all times.

Discography (dutch) (selected)


*1968 Heintje, baue ein Schloss für mich
*1969 Toverfee
*1969 80 rode rozen
*1969 Een klomp met een zeiltje
*1969 Grootpappa
*1970 Huil toch niet als je weg moet gaan
*1970 'n Suikerspin
*1971 Zou het erg zijn (with Pierre Kartner)
*1971 Ik heb een vraag (with Pierre Kartner)
*1971 Schenkt man sich Rosen in Tirol (with John van Kesteren)
*1972 Gebeurtenissen
*1972 Waarom laat iedereen mij zo alleen
*1973 Michael (with De Makkers)


*1969 Wilma
*1969 Wilma's Kerstfeest
*1970 Veel Liefs van...
*1971 Zou het erg zijn lieve opa
*1993 De 34 beste van Wilma
*2003 Wilma - Toen en Nu
*2004 Wilma - Dubbelgoud = Dubbelgoed (Dutch - German)

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