

Infobox Mancala
title= //Hus
ranks= Four
sowing= Multilap
region= Africa

//Hus (also spelled Hus or //Hüs) is a mancala game played in wide parts of Africa. Although this is an abstract strategy game, board positions have little enough clarity that some group this as a game of chance. The rules are similar to other four-rank games such as omweso.



Mancala 4x8
"Starting position for //Hus."
//Hus requires a board of 32 pits, arranged with eight pits lengthwise towards the players, and four pits deep. Each player's territory is the 16 pits on their side of the board. In addition, 48 undifferentiated seeds are needed.


The winner is the last player to be able to make a legal move, possible by capturing all an opponent's stones or reducing the opponent to no more than one seed in each pit.


Two seeds are placed in each of the outer pits. Two seeds are also placed in each of the four rightmost inner pits for each player.


A player moves by selecting a pit with at least two seeds, and "sowing" them one by one around their side of the board in a counter-clockwise direction from the starting pit. The player may only sow from one of the sixteen pits in their territory, and the sowing proceeds around this territory, not directly involving the opponent's side.

Relay sowing

If the last sowed seed lands in a previously occupied pit, all seeds in that pit, including the one just placed, are immediately sown, before the opponent's turn. This continues until the last sowing ends in an empty pit.


If the last seed sown lands in one of the player's eight inner pits, which is occupied, and furthermore both the opponent's pits in this same column are occupied, then all seeds from these two pits are captured and sown starting from the player's next pit in the sowing.

External links

* [http://manqala.org/rules/mostra.cgi.en?rules/hus/ //Hus rules at manqala.org.]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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