Wordsworth Donisthorpe

Wordsworth Donisthorpe

Wordsworth Donisthorpe (Leeds, March 24, 1847Shottermill, January 30, 1913)citation
last=Gaige | first=Jeremy | author-link=Jeremy Gaige
year=1987 | title=Chess Personalia, A Biobibliography
] was an English individualist anarchist [Edward Bristow quotes Donisthorpe in the Westminster Gazette: "The Late Lord Bramwell, Tolstoi, Herbert Spencer, Benjamin Tucker, Vaillart, Auberon Herbert, J.H Levy, Kropotkin, the late Charles Bradlaugh, Yves Guyot, Caserio, and thousands of smaller fry, including myself, are anarchists". cite paper|author=Bristow, Edward|title=The defence of liberty and property in Britain, 1880-1914|year=1970|publisher=Yale University] and inventor, pioneer of cinematography and chess enthusiast. His father was George E. Donisthorpe, an inventor as well, his brother, Horace Donisthorpe, was a myrmecologist.


Political activism


In 1885 he was co-founder of the British Chess Association and the British Chess Club.


Donisthorpe filed for a patent in 1876, for a film camera, which he named a "kinesigraph." The object of the invention was to: cquote|facilitate the taking of a succession of photographic pictures at equal intervals of time, in order to record the changes taking place in or the movement of the object being photographed, and also by means of a succession of pictures so taken of any moving object to give to the eye a presentation of the object in continuous movement as it appeared when being photographed. [cite book|author=Burns, R. W.|year=1998|title=Television: An International History of the Formative Years|publisher=Institution of Engineering and Technology|location=London|id=ISBN 0-85296-914-7]

Although unsuccessfully at first, in 1890 he produced, together with his cousin W. C. Crofts, a moving picture of London's Trafalgar Square. In 1889 they already patented this camera, and the projector necessary to show the motion frames. [cite book|author=Herbert, S.|year=1998|title=Industry, Liberty, and a Vision: Wordsworth Donisthorpe's Kinesigraph|publisher=The Projection Box|location=London|id=ISBN 0-95239-413-8]

See also

* Auberon Herbert
* Herbert Spencer
* Liberty and Property Defence League
* Voluntaryism

Works Online

* [http://oll.libertyfund.org/index.php?option=com_staticxt&staticfile=show.php%3Ftitle=291&Itemid=28 "Individualism: A System of Politics"] (1889).
* [http://fair-use.org/benjamin-tucker/instead-of-a-book/the-woes-of-an-anarchist "The Woes of an Anarchist"] , "Liberty" (January 25, 1890). Reprinted in Benjamin Tucker, [http://fair-use.org/benjamin-tucker/instead-of-a-book/ "Instead of a Book"] (1897).
* [http://fair-use.org/benjamin-tucker/instead-of-a-book/letat-est-mort-vive-letat "L'État Est Mort; Vive L'État!"] , "Liberty" (May 23, 1890). Reprinted in Benjamin Tucker, [http://fair-use.org/benjamin-tucker/instead-of-a-book/ "Instead of a Book"] (1897).
* [http://oll.libertyfund.org/index.php?option=com_staticxt&staticfile=show.php%3Ftitle=290&Itemid=99999999 "Law in a Free State"] (1895).





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