- Yellow-winged bat
name = Yellow-winged bat
status = LC
regnum =Animalia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Mammalia
ordo =Chiroptera
familia =Megadermatidae
genus = "Lavia"
species = "L. frons"
binomial = "Lavia frons"
binomial_authority = (E. Geoffroy, 1810)
synonyms = The Yellow-winged bat ("Lavia frons") is one of five species of false vampire bat (familyMegadermatidae ) fromAfrica . The yellow winged bat uses echolocation to track down small insects flying through the air. Its acute, highly adapted hearing allows them to hear the high frequency waves that bounce of the insect. Echolocation works by using high frequency waves which the human ear cant hear. The bat will send the wave out of its nose (this gives it the high pitch frequency)where it will then travel through the air and be ricocheted back towards the bat when it hits something such as a tree or insect. they can then work out the time it touch for the wave to reach them to judge the size, shape, position and distance of the object.References
*D.E. Wilson & D.M. Reeder, 2005: Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. Third Edition. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.