- Boris Hagelin
Boris Caesar Wilhelm Hagelin (
July 2 1892 –September 7 1983 ) was a Swedishbusinessman and inventor of encryption machines.Born of Swedish parents in the
Caucasus (probably in present day Georgia), Hagelin attended Lundsbergboarding school and later studiedmechanical engineering at theRoyal Institute of Technology inStockholm , graduating in 1914. He gained experience in engineering through work inSweden and theUnited States .His father Karl Wilhelm Hagelin worked for Nobel in Baku [Bengt Beckman. "Codebreakers: Arne Beurling and the Swedish crypto program during World War II." Translated by Kjell-Ove Widman. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, c2002.] , but the family returned to Sweden after the Russian revolution. Karl Wilhelm was an investor in
Arvid Gerhard Damm 's company Aktiebolaget Cryptograph, established to sellrotor machine s built using Damm's 1919 patent. Boris Hagelin was placed in the firm to represent the family investment. In 1925, Hagelin took over the firm, later reorganising it as Aktibolaget Cryptoteknik in 1932. His machines competed with Scherbius'Enigma machine s, but sold rather better.At the beginning of
World War II , Hagelin moved fromSweden toSwitzerland , all the way across Germany and through Berlin to Genoa, carrying the design documents for the company's latest machine, and re-established his company there (it still operates asCrypto AG inZug ). That design was small, cheap and moderately secure, and he convinced the US military to adopt it. Many tens of thousands of them were made, and Hagelin became quite wealthy as a result. HistorianDavid Kahn has suggested that Hagelin was the only cypher-machine maker who ever became amillionaire .Patents
* (B-21)
* (C-35)
* (CD-57 )
*ee also
B-21 (machine)
*C-52 (cipher machine) References
* Boris CW Hagelin, The Story of the Hagelin Cryptos, "Cryptologia", 18(3), July 1994, pp 204–242.
External links
* [http://users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants/en/hagelin.htm History of Boris Hagelin]
* [http://www.jproc.ca/crypto/ag_crypto_history.html Chart of the evolution of Hagelin / CRYPTO AG machines]
* [http://www.crypto.ch/pages/images/inhalt/his_6.jpgPhotograph]
* [http://users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants/en/bc-52.htm Hagelin BC-52 Cipher Machine Simulator]
* [http://users.telenet.be/d.rijmenants/en/m209sim.htm Hagelin US M-209 Cipher Machine Simulator]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.