

name = Sparidae

image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Calamus bajonado"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Perciformes
familia = Sparidae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = Many, see text
The Sparidae is a family of fish, included in the order Perciformes. The fish of the family are commonly called breams and porgies (North America). The sheepshead, scup, and red sea bream are species in this family.


The family Sparidae contains 125 species in 37 genera and is classified here according to Fishbase.
*Genus "Acanthopagrus"
**"Acanthopagrus akazakii" Iwatsuki, Kimura & Yoshino, 2006 [cite journal | journal = Ichthyological Research | volume = 53 | issue = 4 | year = 2006 | pages = 406414 | title = A new sparid, Acanthopagrus akazakii, from New Caledonia with notes on nominal species of Acanthopagrus | author = Iwatsuki, Kimura & Yoshino | doi = 10.1007/s10228-006-0365-z ]
**"Acanthopagrus australis", Surf bream (Gunther, 1859)
**"Acanthopagrus berda", Picnic seabream (Forsskål, 1775)
**"Acanthopagrus bifasciatus", Twobar seabream (Forsskål, 1775)
**"Acanthopagrus butcheri", Southern black bream (Munro, 1949)
**"Acanthopagrus latus", Yellowfin seabream (Houttuyn, 1782)
**"Acanthopagrus palmaris", North west black bream (Whitley, 1935)
**"Acanthopagrus schlegelii czerskii" (Berg, 1914)
**"Acanthopagrus schlegelii schlegelii", Black porgy (Bleeker, 1854)
**"Acanthopagrus sivicolus", Okinawa seabream (Akazaki, 1962)
**"Acanthopagrus taiwanensis" (Iwatsuki & Carpenter, 2006)
*Genus "Allotaius"
**"Allotaius spariformis" (Ogilby, 1910)
*Genus "Archosargus"
**"Archosargus pourtalesii", Blackspot porgy (Steindachner, 1881)
**"Archosargus probatocephalus", Sheepshead seabream (Walbaum, 1792)
**"Archosargus rhomboidalis", Western Atlantic seabream (Linnaeus, 1758)
*Genus "Argyrops"
**"Argyrops bleekeri", Taiwan tai (Oshima, 1927)
**"Argyrops filamentosus", Soldierbream (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Argyrops megalommatus" (Klunzinger, 1870)
**"Argyrops spinifer", King soldierbream (Forsskål, 1775)
*Genus "Argyrozona"
**"Argyrozona argyrozona", Carpenter seabream (Valenciennes, 1830)
*Genus "Boops"
**"Boops boops", Bogue (Linnaeus, 1758)
**"Boops lineatus", Striped boga (Boulenger, 1892)
*Genus "Boopsoidea"
**"Boopsoidea inornata", Fransmadam (Castelnau, 1861)
*Genus "Calamus"
**"Calamus arctifrons", Grass porgy (Goode & Bean, 1882)
**"Calamus bajonado", Jolthead porgy (Bloch & Schneider, 1801)
**"Calamus brachysomus", Pacific porgy (Lockington, 1880)
**"Calamus calamus", Saucereye porgy (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Calamus campechanus", Campeche porgy (Randall & Caldwell, 1966)
**"Calamus cervigoni", Spotfin porgy (Randall & Caldwell, 1966)
**"Calamus leucosteus", Whitebone porgy(Jordan & Gilbert, 1885)
**"Calamus mu", Flathead porgy (Randall & Caldwell, 1966)
**"Calamus nodosus", Knobbed porgy (Randall & Caldwell, 1966)
**"Calamus penna", Sheepshead porgy (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Calamus pennatula", Pluma porgy (Guichenot, 1868)
**"Calamus proridens", Littlehead porgy (Jordan & Gilbert, 1884)
**"Calamus taurinus", Galapagos porgy (Jenyns, 1840)
*Genus "Cheimerius"
**"Cheimerius matsubarai", Hoshierenko (Akazaki, 1962)
**"Cheimerius nufar", Santer seabream (Valenciennes, 1830)
*Genus "Chrysoblephus"
**"Chrysoblephus anglicus", Englishman seabream (Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908)
**"Chrysoblephus cristiceps", Daggerhead seabream (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Chrysoblephus gibbiceps", Red stumpnose seabream (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Chrysoblephus laticeps", Roman seabream (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Chrysoblephus lophus", False red stumpnose (Fowler, 1925)
**"Chrysoblephus puniceus", Slinger seabream (Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908)
*Genus "Crenidens"
**"Crenidens crenidens", Karenteen seabream (Forsskål, 1775)
*Genus "Cymatoceps"
**"Cymatoceps nasutus", Poenskop seabream (Castelnau, 1861)
*Genus "Dentex"
**"Dentex angolensis",Angola dentex (Poll & Maul, 1953)
**"Dentex barnardi", Barnard's dentex (Cadenat, 1970)
**"Dentex canariensis", Canary dentex (Steindachner, 1881)
**"Dentex congoensis", Congo dentex (Poll, 1954)
**"Dentex dentex", Common dentex (Linnaeus, 1758)
**"Dentex fourmanoiri" (Akazaki & Séret, 1999)
**"Dentex gibbosus", Pink dentex (Rafinesque, 1810)
**"Dentex macrophthalmus", Large-eye dentex (Bloch, 1791)
**"Dentex maroccanus", Morocco dentex (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Dentex tumifrons", Yellowback seabream (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843)
*Genus "Diplodus"
**"Diplodus annularis", Annular seabream (Linnaeus, 1758)
**"Diplodus argenteus argenteus", South American silver porgy (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Diplodus argenteus caudimacula", Silver porgy (Poey, 1860)
**"Diplodus bellottii", Senegal seabream (Steindachner, 1882)
**"Diplodus bermudensis", Bermuda porgy (Caldwell, 1965)
**"Diplodus capensis", Cape white seabream (Smith, 1844)
**"Diplodus cervinus cervinus", Zebra seabream (Lowe, 1838)
**"Diplodus cervinus hottentotus", Zebra (Smith, 1844)
**"Diplodus cervinus omanensis", Oman porgy (Bauchot & Bianchi, 1984)
**"Diplodus fasciatus", Banded seabream (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Diplodus holbrookii", Spottail pinfish (Bean, 1878)
**"Diplodus noct", Red Sea seabream (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Diplodus prayensis", Two-banded seabream (Cadenat, 1964)
**"Diplodus puntazzo", Sharpsnout seabream (Cetti, 1777)
**"Diplodus sargus ascensionis" (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Diplodus sargus cadenati", Moroccan white seabream (de la Paz, Bauchot & Daget, 1974)
**"Diplodus sargus helenae", St. Helena white seabream (Sauvage, 1879)
**"Diplodus sargus kotschyi", One spot seabream (Steindachner, 1876)
**"Diplodus sargus lineatus" (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Diplodus sargus sargus", White seabream (Linnaeus, 1758)
**"Diplodus vulgaris", Common two-banded seabream (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817)
*Genus "Evynnis"
**"Evynnis cardinalis", Threadfin porgy (Lacepède, 1802)
**"Evynnis japonica", Crimson seabream (Tanaka, 1931)
*Genus "Gymnocrotaphus"
**"Gymnocrotaphus curvidens", Janbruin (Günther, 1859)
*Genus "Lagodon"
**"Lagodon rhomboides", Pinfish (Linnaeus, 1766)
*Genus "Lithognathus"
**"Lithognathus aureti", West coast seabream (Smith, 1962)
**"Lithognathus lithognathus", White steenbras (Cuvier, 1829)
**"Lithognathus mormyrus", Striped seabream (Linnaeus, 1758)
**"Lithognathus olivieri", Steenbras (Penrith & Penrith, 1969)
*Genus "Oblada"
**"Oblada melanura", Saddled seabream (Linnaeus, 1758)
*Genus "Pachymetopon"
**"Pachymetopon aeneum", Blue hottentot (Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908)
**"Pachymetopon blochii", Hottentot seabream (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Pachymetopon grande", Bronze seabream (Günther, 1859)
*Genus "Pagellus"
**"Pagellus acarne", Axillary seabream (Risso, 1827)
**"Pagellus affinis", Arabian pandora (Boulenger, 1888)
**"Pagellus bellottii", Red pandora (Steindachner, 1882)
**"Pagellus bogaraveo", Blackspot seabream (Brünnich, 1768)
**"Pagellus erythrinus", Common pandora (Linnaeus, 1758)
**"Pagellus natalensis", Natal pandora (Steindachner, 1903)
*Genus "Pagrus"
**"Pagrus africanus", Southern common seabream (Akazaki, 1962)
**"Pagrus auratus", Australasian snapper (Forster, 1801)
**"Pagrus auriga", Redbanded seabream (Valenciennes, 1843)
**"Pagrus caeruleostictus", Bluespotted seabream (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Pagrus major", Red seabream (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843)
**"Pagrus pagrus", Common seabream (Linnaeus, 1758)
*Genus "Parargyrops"
**"Parargyrops edita" (Tanaka, 1916)
*Genus "Petrus"
**"Petrus rupestris", Red steenbras (Valenciennes, 1830)
*Genus "Polyamblyodon
**"Polyamblyodon germanum", German seabream (Barnard, 1934)
**"Polyamblyodon gibbosum", Knife-back seabream (Pellegrin, 1914)
*Genus "Polysteganus"
**"Polysteganus baissaci", Frenchman seabream (Smith, 1978)
**"Polysteganus coeruleopunctatus", Blueskin seabream (Klunzinger, 1870)
**"Polysteganus praeorbitalis", Scotsman seabream (Günther, 1859)
**"Polysteganus undulosus", Seventy-four seabream (Regan, 1908)
*Genus "Porcostoma"
**"Porcostoma dentata", Dane seabream (Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908)
*Genus "Ptreogymnus"
**"Pterogymnus laniarius", Panga seabream (Valenciennes, 1830)
*Genus "Rhabdosargus"
**"Rhabdosargus globiceps", White stumpnose (Valenciennes, 1830)
**"Rhabdosargus haffara", Haffara seabream (Forsskål, 1775)
**"Rhabdosargus holubi", Cape stumpnose (Steindachner, 1881)
**"Rhabdosargus sarba", Tarwhine (Forsskål, 1775)
**"Rhabdosargus thorpei", Bigeye stumpnose (Smith, 1979)
*Genus "Sarpa"
**"Sarpa salpa", Salema (Linnaeus, 1758)
*Genus "Sparidentex"
**"Sparidentex hasta", Sobaity seabream (Valenciennes, 1830)
*Genus "Sparodon"
**"Sparodon durbanensis", Musselcracker seabream (Castelnau, 1861)
*Genus "Sparus"
**"Sparus aurata", Gilthead seabream (Linnaeus, 1758)
*Genus "Spondyliosoma"
**"Spondyliosoma cantharus", Black seabream (Linnaeus, 1758)
**"Spondyliosoma emarginatum", Steentje seabream (Valenciennes, 1830)
*Genus "Stenotomus"
**"Stenotomus caprinus", Longspine porgy (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882)
**"Stenotomus chrysops", Scup (Linnaeus, 1766)
*Genus "Virididentex"
**"Virididentex acromegalus", Bulldog dentex (Osório, 1911)


The most celebrated of the breams in cookery are the gilt-head bream and the dentex.


* Alan Davidson, "Mediterranean Seafood", Penguin, 1972. ISBN 0-14-046174-4, pp. 86-108.

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