

"Warstrider" is a BattleTech-esque series by William H. Keith, Jr.. The series is based upon a futuristic world where Japan has taken control of Earth politics and of the majority of human colonies on other worlds. Humans are engaged in a war with creatures known only as Xenophobes. Human-kind has never managed to communicate with the creatures and only has their attacks to base what information is known about them on.

Later books detail humanity's conflict with itself, and a race of artificial beings called the Web. It also involves subplots related to collective intelligence.

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  • William H. Keith, Jr. — William H. Keith, Jr. (born August 8, 1950) is an American author. His six book Warstrider series is currently out of print. He was also an early author for Battletech, writing a five book saga of the Gray Death Legion. He additionally co… …   Wikipedia

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