

The quadrigatus was a medium-sized silver coin produced by the Roman Republic during the 3rd century BC. The obverse featured a young janiform bust and the reverse featured Victory driving a quadriga, giving the coin its name, with the inscription "ROMA" below.

The coin weighed about 6.8 grams (6 scruples), consistent with a didrachma. The coin was minted from c. 241 to 235 BC until shortly before the introduction of the denarius (211 BC). Gold coins of similar style were issued at this time (staters and half-staters) which featured the same obverse type as the quadrigatus and the reverse type of two soldiers performing an oath over a third soldier holding pig, with the inscription "ROMA" below. The choice of Janus for these coins is believed to coincide with the closing of the doors of the temple of Janus, indicating the absence of warfare, a rare occasion.

The victoriatus was a later coin of the same fabric that was valued at half a quadrigatus (3 scruples).

"See also:" Roman currency.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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