

Myrmidon may refer to:

  • Myrmidons, an ancient nation of Greek mythology
  • Myrmidon (hero), the eponymous ancestor of the mythological Myrmidons
  • The Myrmidons, a lost tragedy by Greek playwright Aeschylus
  • Myrmidon Books, independent publisher
  • A member of the Myrmidon Club
  • USS Myrmidon (ARL-16)
  • HMS Myrmidon, the name of several British ships
  • Myrmidon of Athens, an Athenian commander of the 4th century BC
  • Sergeant Myrmidon, a character from The Ballad of Halo Jones
  • A fictional monster from the book Shade's Children
  • A character class in the Fire Emblem series
  • A ship from the game Eve Online
  • A unit from the game Myth: The Fallen Lords
  • The GTVF Myrmidon, a GTVA space-superiority fighter in FreeSpace 2.
  • Lowest rank of heroes in Master of Magic
  • A fictional battleship from the game Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X
  • The scientific name for the creatures more commonly called Antlions featured in the Half-Life series
  • An enemy unit from the game Final Fantasy XIII
  • A powerful melee unit from the Naga race in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
  • A playable hero in the game Heroes of Newerth
  • A class of smaller military spacecraft in a series of novels by John Ringo: Live Free or Die, Citadel, The Hot Gate

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  • myrmidon — [ mirmidɔ̃ ] n. m. VAR. mirmidon • 1586 ; pl. Mirmidoncis nom de peuple XIIe; lat. Myrmidones, gr. Murmidones, rapproché par étym. légendaire de murmêx « fourmi » ♦ Fam. et vieilli Petit homme chétif, insignifiant. ⇒ nain, pygmée. Au fém.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • myrmidon — MYRMIDON. s. m. Terme d injure & de mespris. Petit garçon. Ce n est qu un myrmidon. que veut dire ce myrmidon? …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Myrmidon — MYRMIDON, ŏnis, (⇒ Tab. X.) Jupiters und der Eurymedusa Sohn, von welchem die Myrmidonen den Namen haben sollen. Serv. ad Virgil. Aen. IV. v. 402. Jupiter nahm die Gestalt einer Ameise an, sie zu berücken. Clemens Al. ap. Muncker. ad Hygin. Fab.… …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • Myrmidon — Myr mi*don, n. [L. Myrmidones, Gr. ?, pl.] 1. One of a fierce tribe or troop who accompanied Achilles, their king, to the Trojan war. [1913 Webster] 2. A soldier or a subordinate civil officer who executes cruel orders of a superior without… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • myrmidon — (n.) c.1400, from L. Myrmidones (pl.), from Gk. Myrmidones, Thessalian tribe led by Achilles to the Trojan War, fabled to have been ants changed into men, and often derived from Gk. myrmex ant (from PIE *morwi (see FORMICA (Cf. Formica) (2)), but …   Etymology dictionary

  • Myrmidon — [mʉr′mə dän΄, mʉr′mədən] n. pl. Myrmidons or Myrmidones [mər mid′ə nēz΄] [ME mirmidones < L Myrmidones, pl. < Gr, the Myrmidons] 1. Gr. Legend any of the tribe of Thessalian warriors who fight under Achilles, their king, in the Trojan War 2 …   English World dictionary

  • Myrmidon — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Myrmidon (homonymie), Fourmilier (homonymie) et Cyclope (homonymie) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • myrmidon — (mir mi don) s. m. 1°   Nom d un ancien peuple de la Thessalie (avec une majuscule). Les Myrmidons marchant sous la conduite de Patrocle. 2°   Fig. et par raillerie, un jeune homme de petite taille (avec une minuscule). Voilà un plaisant myrmidon …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • myrmidon — noun Etymology: Middle English Mirmydon, Latin Myrmidon , Myrmido, from Greek Myrmidōn Date: 15th century 1. capitalized a member of a legendary Thessalian people who accompanied their king Achilles in the Trojan War 2. a loyal follower;… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Myrmidon — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt bedarf einer Überarbeitung. Näheres ist auf der Diskussionsseite angegeben. Hilf mit, ihn zu verbessern, und entferne anschließend diese Markierung. Die Myrmidonen (gr. Μυρμιδόνες Myrmidónes) sind eine Gruppe von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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