

Lutatius was the name of an ancient Roman family (gens). They rose into prominence during the First Punic War and produced several consuls during the subsequent generations, but were not one of the gentes maiores. The Lutatii were plebeians.

Due to the ancient Roman custom of naming children after their famous ancestors, several important Lutatii had the same name. The common cognomen in the family is Catulus, meaning "puppy". This is not to be confused with Catullus.

Gaius Lutatius Catulus (consul of 242 BC)

:"Main article: Gaius Lutatius Catulus"Gaius Lutatius Catulus was the first consul of the family (a novus homo), elected in 242 BC. He was the hero of the Battle of Aegates Islands that ended the First Punic War by defeating Hanno the Great of Carthage. He was later turned into the god "Mars Gradivus" (the god of war who leads Rome to victory).

Quintus Lutatius Catulus Cerco (consul of 241 BC)

Brother of the above (Gaius Lutatius Catulus). He was also a censor in 236 BC.

Gaius Lutatius Catulus (consul of 220 BC)

Son of the above Gaius Lutatius Catulus. He was a consul of 220 BC with Lucius Veturius Philo.

Quintus Lutatius Catulus (consul of 102 BC)

:"Main article: Quintus Lutatius Catulus"He is known as a great orator, poet and prose writer. He was a consul of 102 BC together with Gaius Marius and fought with him against the Cimbri and the Teutones. He committed suicide during the purges of Marius.

Quintus Lutatius Catulus (consul of 78 BC)

Son of the above, a consul of 78 BC with Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and censor in 65 BC; his mother was Servilia. He was one of the very few consulares who survived the civil wars and the purges of Sulla. Therefore he became a very influential person in the Senate. He was married to a Hortensia (sister of Quintus Hortensius, the orator). His sister, Lutatia, in turn was married to his wife's brother Quintus Hortensius, and was the mother of his children, including Hortensia. He was a part of the "boni" faction of the senate and died in the year 61 BC.

(Ascon 61; Cic.Cat.3.24, Rab.Perd.21, Att.II.24, Balb.34.5, Verr.III.210, Sest.101, imp. Cn. Pomp.59,51,63,66; Cassius XXXVI.30-36, Plut. Pomp. 26,25, Sulla 34, Caesar 6, Cato. Min. 26; Val. Max.VI.9, VIII.15; Vell. Pat. XLIII, XLVIII)


* Gruen, Erich S., "The Last Generation of the Roman Republic", University of California Press, 1995

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