
Cherso is located in Greece
Coordinates 41°5′N 22°47′E / 41.083°N 22.783°E / 41.083; 22.783Coordinates: 41°5′N 22°47′E / 41.083°N 22.783°E / 41.083; 22.783
Country: Greece
Region: Central Macedonia
Regional unit: Kilkis
Municipality: Kilkis
Population statistics (as of 2001)
Municipal unit
 - Population: 4,482
Time zone: EET/EEST (UTC+2/3)
Auto: ΚΙ

Cherso (Greek: Χέρσο, Bulgarian and Macedonian: Хърсово, Хрсово, Hrsovo) is a village and a former municipality in the Kilkis peripheral unit, Greece. Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Kilkis, of which it is a municipal unit.[1] Population 4,482 (2001). In the municipal unit of Cherso lies the historical village of Kalindria. Kalindria was found by Paeonians in 3rd millennium BC and it is inhabited until today. In the Macedonian Struggle, people of Kalindria fought hard against Bulgarians and Turkish authorities and it was one of the main centres of Greek resistance in Kilkis prefecture.


  1. ^ Kallikratis law Greece Ministry of Interior (Greek)

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