

Samobor is a town in Zagreb county, Croatia. It is part of the metropolitan area of Zagreb.


Samobor is located to the west of Zagreb, between the eastern slopes of Samoborsko gorje (Samobor hills, the eastern part of the Žumberak Mountains), in the Sava river valley.


36,207 inhabitants according the Croatian census from 2001. are living on the administrative territory of Samobor, from which 15.147 are situated in the city itself.


City government, court, police, health-service, post office are the part of infrastructure of Samobor.


Samobor has existed as a free royal town since 1242 according to a document of endowment by King Bela IV. Its history and culture are rich and various.


One of the chief industries in Samobor is crystal cutting. Some of the best crystal in Europe comes from Samobor and is highly prized all over the world.

Famous People

Many famous Croats were born or lived in Samobor. Such notable personalities are:
* Ferdo Livadić Wiesner, a prominent member of the nationalist "Ilirski pokret" movement in the 19th century, piano composer and writer of the most famous Croatian patriotic song (budnica) of the 19th century, 'Još Horvatska ni propala' ('Croatia hasn't perished yet')
* Antun Gustav Matoš, poet and writer, who lived in Samobor for four years.
* Milan Lang, reformer of education in Croatia and teacher in the Samobor school.

Monuments and Sightseeings

It is one of the earliest tourist resorts in the region, with the first tourist facilities dating back to 1810, oriented towards anglers, hunters and hikers. The town's beautiful surroundings and vicinity to the capital have been supporting this tourist tradition to the present day. In 1846, Samobor was paid a visit by the composer Franz Liszt, who at that time was visiting Zagreb during one of his numerous concert-tours. Liszt came to Samobor to see his friend, previously mentioned Ferdo Livadić, in his lodgings at the [ć mansion] , which is today the town's museum.From the beginning of the 20th century the Livadić mansion belonged to a Jewish family named Daničić. They were forced to leave as a result of the Nazi invasion in 1941. Shortly after this, the mansion wasappropriated by the newly formed Independent State of Croatia and never returned to the Daničić family.








* [ Official Samobor site]
* [ Samobor info]
* [ Caving Club Samobor]

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