National Rainbow Coalition–Kenya
- National Rainbow Coalition–Kenya
The National Rainbow Coalition–Kenya is a political party in Kenya. The party was formed after the defeat of the Government sponsored Draft constitution. It was formed by National Rainbow Coalition members loyal to the government. [, Kibaki in a dilemma as 51 MPs join Narc-Kenya, Daily Nation,] The party, though months old, captured 3 parliamentary seats (Nakuru Town, Saku and North Horr) and 2 Civic seats in the by-elections of 24/07/2006 that are seen as a litmus test for the up coming general elections for which the new party was planned to play a major role in securing reelection for president Kibaki..
The By-Elections Of 24/06/2006
The party won three out of the five parliamentary posts up for grabs.
Before the 2007 elections
Incumbent president Mwai Kibaki was expected to receive the party's nomination for another 5-year term. The party, however, never took off. Important figures round Kibaki were hesitant to join.
Thus few months befor the 2007 election a new coalition by the name of Party of National Unity was formed of which NARC-Kenya became a part.
The party decided, however, to field a number of candidates under its own flag, thus contributing to the overall poor results for PNU in the parliamentary elections where parties affiliated to PNU competed against each other.
2007 elections
At the Kenyan general election, 2007, Narc-Kenya managed to enter three candidates into parliament.
External links
Wikimedia Foundation.
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