- 2040
2040 (MMXL) will be a
leap year starting on Sunday of theGregorian calendar .Predicted events
May 2 - Partial solar eclipse
* August - A METI messageCosmic Call 2 sent from the convert|70|m|ft|abbr=off|adj=onEupatoria Planetary Radar arrives at its destination,HD 245409 star.
*September 8 - Major planetary alignment
*November 4 - Partial solar eclipse
*November 6 - 64th presidential election in theUnited States .
* 2040 Summer Olympic Gamescientific predictions
*Scientists predict that by 2040 most of the Arctic ice cap will have melted away—all of it in the summer months—and the
Polar bear will probably be extinct in the wild.Fact|date=August 2008
*EconomistRobert Fogel predicts China'sgross domestic product to reach 123 trillion US dollars. [cite web |url=http://www.nber.org/papers/w13184 |title=Capitalism and Democracy in 2040: Forecasts and Speculations |accessdate= |last=Fogel |first=Robert W. |coauthors= |date=June 2007 |work=NBER Working Paper No. 13184 |publisher=]Fictional events
* The
anime seriesMacross Plus , Masoukishin Cybuster, andBubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 are all set in this year.
* In the universe ofStar Trek , the television becomes obsolete.
* The "Doctor Who " short story collection "" is set in the year 2040.
*Phantom 2040 television series and comic strips take place during this year.
*Edward de Bono 's film "" presents an idea, in the form of alecture , what 2040 might be like.
*"Event Horizon": Deep Space research vessel "Event Horizon" launched to explore boundaries ofsolar system .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.