- List of Quebec historical newspapers
This is a list of Quebec historical newspapers.
* "The Quebec Gazette/La Gazette de Québec", 1764, Quebec City,
William Brown andThomas Gilmore , printers (John Neilson inherited the paper from his uncle William Brown in 1793; and is currently known as the " [Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph] http://www.qctonline.com")1770-1779
* "
La Gazette du commerce et littéraire pour la Ville & District de Montréal ", 1778, Montréal,Fleury Mesplet , printer, andValentin Jautard , editor and journalist
* "La Gazette de Montréal/The Montreal Gazette", 1785, Montréal, Fleury Mesplet, printer
* "Le Courier de Québec ou héraut francois ", 1788, Quebec City,William Moore , editor, andJames Tanswell , collaborator
* "Quebec Herald and Universal Miscellany ", 1788, Quebec City, William Moore, editor, and James Tanswell, collaborator1790-1799
* "Le Magasin de Quebec/The Quebec Magazine", 1792, Quebec City,
Samuel Neilson , printer and editor
* "Le Cours du tems/The Times ", 1794, Quebec City, John Jones andWilliam Vondenvelden 1800-1809
* "
The British American Register ", 1802, Quebec City,John Neilson , owner and publisher
* "Quebec Mercury ", 1804, Quebec City,Thomas Cary , owner
* "L'Almanach des dames ", 1806,Louis Plamondon , editor
* "Le Canadien " 1806, Quebec City,Pierre Bédard , François Blanchet andJean-Thomas Taschereau
* "Courier de Québec ", 1807, Quebec City,Pierre-Amable de Bonne andJoseph-François Perrault , founders,Pierre-Édouard Desbarats , printer,Jacques Labrie , editor
* "Canadian courant and Montreal Advertiser ", 1807, Montréal,Nahum Mower , owner and editor
* "La Gazette canadienne/The Canadian Gazette", 1807, Montréal,Charles Brown , publisher andJames Brown , editor1810-1819
* "
Le Vrai Canadien ", 1810, Quebec City,Pierre-Amable de Bonne
* "The Montreal Herald ", 1811, Montréal,William Gray andMungo Kay , founders, owners and publishers
* "Le Spectateur canadien " 1815,Charles-Bernard Pasteur , owner, editor and publisher
* "The Canadian Inspector ", 1815, Montréal, Nahum Mower, publisher
* "The Quebec Telegraph ", 1816
* "L'Aurore", 1817, Montréal,Michel Bibaud andJoseph Victor Delorme
* "Gazette des Trois-Rivières ", 1817, Trois-Rivières,Ludger Duvernay , founder, printer and editor
* "L'Abeille canadienne ", 1818, Montréal,Henri-Antoine Mézière
* "Le Courrier du Bas-Canada ", Montréal, 1819,Joseph Victor Delorme , founder, printer, andMichel Bibaud , editor journalist1820-1829
* "
L'Ami de la religion et du roi ", 1820, Trois-Rivières, Ludger Duvernay
* "The Enquirer", 1821, Quebec City
* "The Scribbler ", 1821, Montréal,Samuel Hull Wilcocke , owner and editor, J. Lame, printer
* "La Gazette canadienne ", 1822, Montréal,Jonh Quilliam
* "The Canadian Spectator ", 1822,John Jones , editor,Jocelyn Waller , journalist
* "Christian Register ", 1823, Montréal
* "British Colonist and St-Françis Gazette ", 1823, Stanstead, S. H. Dickerson
* "Le Constitutionnel ", 1823, Ludger Duvernay, owner, editor and journalist
* "The Canadian Magazine and Literary Repository ", 1823, Montréal,Joseph Nickless , owner,David Chisholmes andAlexander James Christie , directors
* "The Canadian Review and Literary and Historical Journal ", 1824, Montréal,Henry H. Cunningham , owner, David Chisholmes, director
* "La Bibliothèque canadienne, ou miscellanées historiques, scientifiques et littéraires " 1825, Montréal, Michel Bibaud
* "La Minerve ", 1826, Montréal,Augustin-Norbert Morin , founder, owner, printer and journalist
* "L'Argus, Journal electorique ", 1826, Trois-Rivières, Ludger Duvernay
* "La Gazette de Saint-Philippe ", 1826, Saint-Philippe-de-Laprairie, F-X Pigeon, founder
* "Journal de medecine de Québec ", 1826, Quebec City,Xavier Tessier
* "The Christian Sentinel and Anglo-Canadian Churchman's Magazine ", 1827
* "L'Électeur-The Elector ", 1827,François Lemaître
* "The Irish Vindicator and Canada General Advertiser ", 1828, Montréal,Daniel Tracey , founder, editor, printer and journalist
* "Journal des sciences naturelles ", 1828, Quebec City, maybe Xavier Tessier
* "Le coin du feu ", 1829, Montréal, Jacques Labrie and Augustin-Norbert Morin1830-1839
* "
L'Observateur " 1830,Michel Bibaud , Ludger Duvernay, printer
* "Le Magasin du Bas-Canada, Journal littéraire et scientifique " 1832, Montréal, Michel Bibaud, Ludger Duvernay, printer
* "L'Ami du peuple, de l'ordre et des lois " 1832, Montréal, the sulpiciens, John Jones, Pierre-Édouard Leclère
* "Montreal Vindicator ", 1832, Montréal,Édouard-Raymond Fabre , owner,Edmund Bailey O'Callaghan , journalist
* "The Montreal Museum or Journal of Literature and Arts ", 1832, Montréal,Mary Graddon Gosselin , editor, Ludger Duvernay, printer
* "L'Écho du pays ", 1833, Saint-Charles,Pierre-Dominique Debartzch , founder,Alfred-Xavier Rambau , journalist
* "L'Abeille canadienne ", 1833, Quebec City,François-Xavier Garneau , founder, editor and J-B Fréchette, printer
* "L'Impartial", 1834, Laprairie
* "Le Glaneur, journal littéraire, d’agriculture et d’industrie ", 1836, Saint-Charles (replaces L'Écho du pays)
* "Le Télégraphe ", 1836, Quebec City,Philippe Aubert de Gaspé (son) andNapoléon Aubin , founders and editors
* "Le Populaire, journal des intérêts canadiens ", 1837, Montréal,Clémant-Charles Sabrevois de Bleury ,Léon Gosselin , Pierre-Dominique Debartzch,Hyacinthe Leblanc de Marconnay , chief editor
* "Le Fantasque", 1837, Quebec City, Napoléon Aubin, founder and editor
* "Le Libéral ", 1837, Quebec City
* "La Quotidienne ", 1837, Montréal, François Lemaître
* "Le Temps ", 1838, Montréal
* "The Literary Garland ", 1838, Montréal
* "L'Aurore des Canadas, Journal littéraire, politique et commercial ", 1839, Montréal,Joseph-Guillaume Barthe , editor1840-1849
* "
L'Avenir ", 18471850-1859
* "
Le Pays ", 18521860-1869
* "
Canadian Illustrated News ", Montreal, 1869
* "The Montreal Evening Star ", later the "The Montreal Star ", 18691870-1899
* " [http://multiculturalcanada.ca/lc Le Cultivateur] ", Quebec City, 1974
* "
Le Nationaliste ", 19041910-1929
* " [http://multiculturalcanada.ca/lcdle Le Cri de l'Est] ", Matane, 1911
* "L'Illustration", 1930, Montréal (also known as "L'Illustration Nouvelle" and "Montréal-Matin")
* "
Le Jour ", 1974, Saint-LaurentReferences
* http://www.unites.uqam.ca/arche/alaq/index.php?nomLien=603
* http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/CS/livre-savant/imprime/
* http://www.lac-bac.gc.ca/8/18/r18-215-e.html
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