- Julia Boseman
Infobox State Senator
honorific-prefix =
name =Sen. Julia Boseman
honorific-suffix =
height =150px
state_senate =North Carolina
district =9th
term_start =2005
term_end =present
preceded =Woody White
succeeded =
birth_date =
birth_place =New Hanover County, North Carolina
profession =Attorney
residence =Wilmington, North Carolina
party =Democrat
spouse =
website = [http://www.bosemanforsenate.com/ bosemanforsenate.com]Julia Boseman is an American politician and a Democratic member of the
North Carolina Senate . She represents the state's ninth Senate district, covering all of New Hanover County. She was first elected to the Senate in 2004, having previously served four years on the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. In 2004, she beat Republican incumbent Sen. Woody White, who had been appointed six months earlier to finish the term of Sen. Patrick Ballantine. Ballantine had resigned the seat in order to make an unsuccessful run for Governor. She was successfully re-elected in 2006.She was born and raised in New Hanover County and attended the
University of North Carolina at Wilmington before going on toNorth Carolina Central University in 1992 for a law degree. She has been a practicing attorney ever since.Since 1978, the North Carolina Center for Public Policy Research (NCCPPR) has published biennial surveys ranking the effectiveness of legislators based on the opinions of lobbyists, reporters and legislators themselves. In 2005-6, Julia Boseman was ranked the 20th most effective senator (of 50), giving her the highest ranking ever for a first-term female senator and the second highest ever for a freshman.
She is notable as the only openly gay member of the North Carolina legislature.
She was a candidate for re-election in 2006 and defeated her Republican opponent, Al Roseman, by an unexpectedly large margin of 11,000 votes. In 2004, Boseman had won the seat by a margin of only 885 votes, 50.55% to 49.45%.
She had her $1,300,000 home foreclosed on for failure to pay her mortgage in June 2008. [ [http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20080604/ARTICLE/806040325/1004 Boseman, former domestic partner default on loan; house to be sold at auction | StarNewsOnline.com | Star-News | Wilmington, NC ] ]
As reported on June 10, 2008 by the Star News of Wilmington, North Carolina, in addition to the $1,300,000 home foreclosure, $4,700 in county taxes are owed on the property. The Star News article also indicated in December 2007 during a child custody hearing while under oath, Julia was quoted admitting to the use of illegal drugs in 2003, prior to being elected in 2004.
External links
* [http://www.ncleg.net/gascripts/members/viewMember.pl?sChamber=Senate&nUserID=156 General Assembly homepage]
* [http://www.bosemanforsenate.com/ Official campaign website]
* [http://www.nccppr.org/Effectiveness.pdf NCCPPR effectiveness survey]
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