

To be multifaith is to feel an affinity with aspects of more than one religion, philosophy or world-view, and to believe that no one is superior to the others. This term should not be confused with Interfaith which concerns the communication between different religions.

This is inherent to Relativism, but exists among followers of other religions such as Confucianism and the Bahá'í Faith, as well as followers of the more liberal currents within Christianity, Islam and Judaism.


Relativism centers on the belief that the best way to honour a divine creator is through the accomplishment of good actions, defined as those motivated by respect and empathy, and that no bad actions can ever be justified in the name of religion. Other religions are considered, equally capable of providing a motivation to do good for those who understand them, or to do evil while claiming to do good for those who misinterpret them.

The term "relativism" derives from the belief that each individual brings their own wisdom, personality, cultural background and experience to bear on their interpretation of a religion.

Relativism is open to criticism by the more orthodox followers of other religions, even by those active in ecumenicism and professing a certain degree of tolerance, who nevertheless refuse to accept the principle of equality. In April 2005, in his homily during Mass prior to the conclave which would elect him as Pope, the then Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger talked about the world "moving towards a dictatorship of Relativism".

See also


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