Bony labyrinth

Bony labyrinth

Infobox Anatomy
Latin = labyrinthus osseus.
GraySubject = 232
GrayPage = 1047

Captio2 = Interior of right osseous labyrinth.

MapPos = Bony Labyrinth
MapCaption = Right osseous labyrinth. Lateral view.
System =
Precursor =
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = l_01
DorlandsSuf = 12474340
The bony labyrinth (osseous labyrinth) located in the Inner Ear consists of three parts:
* vestibule
* semicircular canals
* cochlea

These are cavities hollowed out of the substance of the bone, and lined by periosteum; they contain a clear fluid, the perilymph, in which the membranous labyrinth is situated.

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