- List of tomato cultivars
This is a list of
tomato varieties / cultivars / breeds.Please include, when possible, determinate/indeterminate/other, resistance (VF or other), fruit shape, color, size in ounces, days to maturity, hybrid/heirloom, leaf shape (PL forpotato leaf , RL for regular leaf, also A for Angora, et cetera).Disease resistant abbreviations
* V =
Verticillium wilt
* N =Nematodes
* F =Fusarium Wilt
* FF = Fusarium, races 1 & 2
* A =Alternaria stem canker
* T =Tobacco mosaic virus -resistant
* St = Stemphylliumee also
List of heirloom tomato varieties
*List of capsicum cultivars
*List of basil cultivars
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.