- Herschel Island
Herschel Island is an island in the
Beaufort Sea (part of theArctic Ocean ), which lies 5 km (3.1 miles) off the coast ofYukon ,Canada , of which it is administratively a part. It is Yukon's northernmost point.Early history
The earliest evidence of human occupation unearthed so far by archaeological investigations is that of the Thule culture, dating to approximately 1000 years ago. These people are the ancestors of the present-day
Inuvialuit . [ [http://www.aina.ucalgary.ca/scripts/minisa.dll/144/proe/proarc/se+arctic,+v.+36,+no.++4,+Dec.+1983,*?COMMANDSEARCH Analysis of midden material from a Thule Eskimo dwelling site on the shore of Herschel Island ] ] TheInuvialuktun word for Herschel Island is "Qikiqtaruk", which simply means "island".The first European to sight the island was explorer Sir
John Franklin , who reached it in 1826 and named it after his friend, scientist SirJohn Herschel . At the time of Franklin's explorations there were three Inuvialuit settlements on Herschel Island. Estimates of the number of people living on the island (and along the Yukon North Slope) at that time ranged from 200 to 2000. The island was used as a base forhunting ,fishing andwhaling .The whaling period
In the late 19th century, whalers discovered that the Beaufort Sea was one of the last refuges of the depleted
Bowhead Whale , which was prized for itsbaleen ,blubber , and oil. Commercial bowhead hunting in the area began in 1889. In order for the shortArctic whaling season to be profitable, it was necessary to overwinter in the area. Herschel Island was found to have a good harbour for large whaling ships. In 1890 a Euro-American settlement was established atPauline Cove . At the height of the Beaufort Sea whaling period (1893-94) the number of residents on the island was estimated at 1,500, making it the largest Yukon community at that time. Though several frame buildings had been constructed, most residents continued to live on whaling ships.In 1893, the
Pacific Steam Whaling Company (PSW Co.) constructed a building called the Community House at Pauline Cove. With a recreation room, an office for the manager and storekeeper, and storage facilities, the Community House became the most prominent building on the island. In 1896 the company offered the house to the Anglican church, who used the building until 1906. In 1911, theRoyal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) purchased all Herschel Island assets of the PSW Co. for $1,500. The Community House still stands, and is believed to be the oldest frame building in Yukon. It remains in excellent condition, and is now used as a park office and visitor centre.The Arctic's first trial
The first court case held in the Canadian Arctic took place at Pauline Cove in 1924 in a building known as the Bonehouse, which was built in the mid-1890s as a storehouse for baleen (whalebone). Court officials traveled from
Edmonton for the trial of two Inuvialuit men charged with murder. Jury members were chosen in Fort McPherson, Arctic Red River (now Tsiigehtchic) and Herschel Island. The men were found guilty, and were hung from a tie beam in the Bonehouse. The tie beam was removed by the RCMP when they left the island in 1963.Missionaries, police, and traders
missionary Isaac Stringer first visited Herschel Island in 1893. He returned with his wife in 1896, and ministered to the people there until his departure in 1901. Stringer and other missionaries attempted to build a church on the island, but were not successful. A mission house was constructed in 1916 by Reverend Whittaker. This building still stands, but is in poor condition.In 1903 RCMP
Inspector Francis J. Fitzgerald visited Herschel Island. The following year, he andConstable Sutherland established a detachment on the island, which was at first based in two small sod huts. From 1910 to 1931 Herschel Island was subdistrict headquarters for the RCMP in the Western Arctic. Command was transferred to Aklavik in 1931, and Herschel Island was patrolled intermittently until 1948, when the detachment was reopened on a seasonal basis. The RCMP post was closed permanently in 1964.In 1915 the
Hudson's Bay Company sent Mr. Christy Harding to Herschel Island to establish a post. Soon after his arrival he constructed a store, house, warehouse, and several other buildings. Business at the post was never lucrative. In 1937 the Bay closed its doors on the island, and its buildings were abandoned. None of them remain.In 1926 the
Northern Whaling and Trading Company constructed a store, warehouse and small shed on the island. These buildings still stand, though in recent years they have been moved as much as 10 meters inland, away from the receding shoreline.Modern developments
While the island did see some renewed activity in the 1970s when it became a temporary safe harbor for oil-drilling ships, its last permanent, year-round residents (the MacKenzie family) left in 1987. Inuvialuit still use the island seasonally for hunting, fishing, and as a place to camp while traveling.
In 1978, a land claims agreement was reached in principle between the Inuvialuit and the
Government of Canada . By 1984, theInuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) was in place. In 1987,Herschel Island Territorial Park was created by the Government of Yukon in accordance with the terms of the IFA. The Government of Yukon and the Inuvialuit share responsibility for planning, managing, and protecting Herschel Island's natural and historic resourcesGeography
Herschel Island has an area of 116 km² (45 square miles). It is approximately 15 km (9 miles) by 8 km (5 miles) between shorelines, with a rolling
tundra terrain that ranges in height from sea level to 182 m (596 ft).The island was created from sediments that were thrust up by a lobe of Laurentide
glacier ice emanating from the Mackenzie Valley and moving westward along thecoastal plain approximately 30,000 years ago. There is nobedrock core to the island. The island is subject to very high rates of coastal erosion due to the ice-rich nature of the underlyingpermafrost , and its surface heaves and rolls down its own hillsides from the effects of frost creep andsolifluction .Climate
Herschel Island's climate is characterized by long cold winters followed by short but intense summers. Strong steady winds are prevalent throughout the year. July is the warmest month, with a mean temperature of 7.4°C and a mean daytime high of 12.8°C, but can reach as high as 30°C. January temperatures average -27°C to -30°C, but temperatures have been known to reach as low as -50°C.
From November to July, Herschel Island is locked in ice. Located north of the
Arctic Circle , Herschel Island enjoys continuous daylight every year betweenMay 19 andJuly 24 . The sun does not appear above the horizon fromNovember 29 toJanuary 14 , but significanttwilight is experienced for a few hours in the late morning and early afternoon during the latter period.Fish and marine mammals
The waters around Herschel Island are a haven for fish and marine mammals. The Mackenzie River flows into the Beaufort Sea southeast of the island. Its warm, nutrient-rich waters drift westward along the mainland shore as far as Herschel.
Zooplankton feed on these nutrients, and are in turn eaten by larger fish, seals, and whales.Arctic cod ,arctic char ,Pacific herring and Arcticflounder are all found in this area.Whales travel past Herschel Island on their seasonal migration. Bowhead whales can still be seen from Herschel as they migrate westward to the
Bering Sea in September, feeding close to the surface onkrill . Beluga whales are also seen from the island during the open water period.Ringed Seal s are the most commonmarine mammal s in this part of the Arctic, feeding on fish along the edges of the ice during the summer months.The
polar bear is a major predator of ringed seals. In summer they live along the edges of the pack ice near the island. In winter, a few female bears den on the island's northern slopes.Land mammals
Small herds of
Porcupine caribou (or Grant's Caribou, "Rangifer tarandus grantii") are frequently found on the island in summer.Muskox , andgrizzly bear s are occasionally seen, crossing to Herschel from the mainland.Lemming s,Tundra Vole s andArctic Shrew s are common.Red Fox andarctic fox are also known to den on the island.Birds
At least 94 bird species have been counted on Herschel Island, 40 of which breed there. The island hosts the largest colony of
Black Guillemot s in the Western Arctic, nesting in the old Anglican mission house.Arctic Tern s,American Golden Plover s, andRed-necked Phalarope s make use of the tundra ponds andshingle beach es. Other birds that breed on the island include theCommon Eider , Rough-legged Hawk,Snow Bunting ,Lapland Bunting , andRedpoll .Vegetation
Herschel Island is situated in the Yukon Coastal Plain Ecoregion. The vegetation of this
ecoregion is described as Arctic Tundra, with continuous ground cover and no trees present.There are over 200 species of plants on Herschel Island, which occur in a diversity of habitats. Most of the island is composed of level to gently sloping stable uplands, vegetated by cottongrass, ground shrubs and wildflowers.From late June to early August, Herschel Island witnesses an explosion of colour. Its humid maritime climate during the growing season fosters a lush growth of tundra flowers, including vetches, louseworts, arctic lupines,
arnica s, andforget-me-not s.UNESCO site
Herschel Island Territorial Park, together with
Ivvavik National Park andVuntut National Park (both on the Yukon mainland), is a leading contender to become Canada's nextUNESCO World Heritage Site . The region is on Canada’s tentative list for a UNESCO nomination in both the cultural and natural categories.Climate change threats
In 2007 the UNESCO World Heritage Centre published a report called "Case Studies on Climate Change and World Heritage". The report states that a decrease in
sea ice , and consequent increase incoastal erosion , poses a serious threat to Herschel Island's historic resources. [cite web|url=http://whc.unesco.org/documents/publi_climatechange.pdf|title=Case Studies on Climate Change. p. 58. (13 MB PDF)|publisher=UNESCO |accessdate=2008-09-03] TheWorld Monuments Fund has placed Herschel Island on its "100 Most Endangered Sites, 2008" watch list, citing "rising sea levels, eroding coastline and melting permafrost" as imminent threats. [cite web|url=http://travel.latimes.com/articles/la-trw-monumentsbox8jun08|title=On the World Monuments Fund endangered list|publisher=LA Times|accessdate=2008-09-03] [cite web|url=http://archrecord.construction.com/news/daily/archives/070606watch.asp|title=World Monuments Fund Unveils 2008 Watch List|publisher=World Monuments Fund|accessdate=2008-09-03]References
External links
* [http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/Exhibitions/Herschel/English/menu.html Herschel Island Virtual Museum]
* [http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/Exhibitions/Force/en/detachments/herschel/ The Force in the North] The RCMP on Herschel
* [http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/Exhibitions/BishopStringer/english/ The Bishop Who Ate His Boots] Isaac Stringer Virtual Museum
* [http://www.environmentyukon.gov.yk.ca/parks/herschel.html Herschel Island Territorial Park] Yukon Department of Environment
* [http://www.worldmonumentswatch.org 100 Most Endangered Sites, 2008]
* [http://www.northstarofherschelisland.com North Star of Herschel Island]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.