- Siel DK70
image_caption =
synth_name = DK70
synth_manufacturer = Siel
synthesis_type = Digital Subtractive
polyphony = 8 voice
timbrality =Monotimbral
oscillator = 8 DCOs with square and sawtooth
waveforms (not independently configurable).
filter = 1 resonant 4 poleVCF
attenuator =ADSR envelope , triggered by gate or LFO
lfo = 1 LFO
keyboard = 49-note
left_control = Optional "stage set"Keytar grip that allows for
pitch bend, program change and modulation
ext_control =MIDI
memory = 2 track Polyphonic sequencer
fx = Chorus
dates = Late 80s
price =The DK70 is a
synthesizer produced in the late 1980s bySiel .Description
It is very similar to a Roland Alpha Juno, in that itoperates like an analog synth, but it's oscillators, filter,
LFO and envelope generator are all digital. The oscillators are called "DCOs", and the envelope generated called a "DEG" (for Digital Envelope Generator). Digital components were much cheaper at the time and this allowed the DK70 to approximate the sound of an analog synth, but have 8 note polyphony without being cost prohibitve to the average user.A unique feature of the DK70 is that, while it appears to have the form factor of a standard synth, it has guitar strap pegs and can be used as a keytar. An accessory called the "Stage Set" can be attached to the left side to provide a grip (similar to that of the
SH-101 ), where the player may manipulate a ribbon-style pitch bender, as well as have access to buttons that change patches, change octaves and engage the LFOmodulation.It stores 50 patches, 10 of which are user assignable. A cartridge port accepted a cartridge which could store an additional 50 patches. All programming is done via pushbuttons, somewhat limiting it's "tweakability" for live performances.
It also has an onboard two-track sequencer, which can be programmed bysetting the tempo and recording a performance (unlike a step sequencer, wherenotes were entered in sequential order and played back at fixed durations). The performance would then loop when played back.
External links
* [http://www.sonicstate.com/synth/_inc/specs_only.cfm?synthid=768 Siel DK70] at sonicstate.com
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