Meta (genus)

Meta (genus)

name = "Meta"

image_caption = "Meta sp." with eggsac
image_width = 250px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
subordo = Araneomorphae
familia = Tetragnathidae
genus = "Meta"
genus_authority = C. L. Koch, 1836
diversity_link = List of Tetragnathidae species#Meta
diversity = 39 species

range_map_width = 250px
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "Meta bourneti"
"Meta dolloff"
"Meta menardi"

"Meta" is a spider genus that occurs worldwide.


* "Meta abdomenalis" Patel & Reddy, 1993 (India)
* "Meta aerea" Hogg, 1896 (Northern Territory)
* "Meta aurora" Simon, 1901 (Argentina)
* "Meta barreti" Kulczyn'ski, 1899 (Madeira)
* "Meta baywanga" Barrion & Litsinger, 1995 (Philippines)
* "Meta birmanica" Thorell, 1898 (Myanmar)
* "Meta bourneti" Simon, 1922 (Europe to Georgia, North Africa)
* "Meta dolloff" Levi, 1980 (USA)
* "Meta gertschi" Lessert, 1938 (Congo)
* "Meta japonica" Tanikawa, 1993 (Japan)
* "Meta longipalpis" Pavesi, 1883 (Ethiopia)
* "Meta maculata" (Blackwall, 1865) (Cape Verde Is.)
* "Meta manchurica" Marusik & Koponen, 1992 (Russia, Korea)
* "Meta melanicruciata" Saito, 1939 (Japan)
* "Meta menardi" (Latreille, 1804) (Europe to Korea)
* "Meta merianopsis" Tullgren, 1910 (East Africa)
* "Meta meruensis" Tullgren, 1910 (East Africa)
* "Meta milleri" Kratochvíl, 1942 (Croatia)
* "Meta minima" Denis, 1953 (Canary Is.)
* "Meta mixta" O. P.-Cambridge, 1885 (Yarkand)
* "Meta monogrammata" Butler, 1876 (Queensland)
* "Meta montana" Hogg, 1919 (Sumatra)
* "Meta nebulosa" Schenkel, 1936 (China)
* "Meta nigra" Franganillo, 1920 (Portugal)
* "Meta nigridorsalis" Tanikawa, 1994 (China, Japan)
* "Meta obscura" Kulczyn'ski, 1899 (Canary Is., Madeira)
* "Meta ovalis" (Gertsch, 1933) (USA, Canada)
* "Meta patagiata" Simon, 1901 (Argentina)
* "Meta qianshanensis" Zhu & Zhu, 1983 (China)
* "Meta reticuloides" Yaginuma, 1958 (Korea, Japan)
* "Meta rufolineata" (Urquhart, 1889) (New Zealand)
* "Meta serrana" Franganillo, 1930 (Cuba)
* "Meta shenae" Zhu, Song & Zhang, 2003 (China)
* "Meta simlaensis" Tikader, 1982 (India)
* "Meta stridulans" Wunderlich, 1987 (Madeira)
* "Meta tiniktirika" Barrion & Litsinger, 1995 (Philippines)
* "Meta trivittata" Keyserling, 1887 (New South Wales, Victoria)
* "Meta turbatrix" Keyserling, 1887 (New South Wales)
* "Meta vacillans" Butler, 1876 (Rodriguez)
* "Meta villiersi" Denis, 1955 (Guinea)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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