- Amaurobius
image_caption = "Amaurobius similis " (female)
image_width = 250px
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropoda
classis =Arachnida
ordo =Araneae
subordo =Araneomorphae
familia =Amaurobiidae
genus = "Amaurobius"
genus_authority = C. L. Koch, 1837
diversity_link = List of Amaurobiidae species#Amaurobius
diversity = 67 species
range_map_width = 250px
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text."Amaurobius" is a genus of
araneomorph spiders with mostlyholarctic distribution.pecies
* "A. agastus" (Chamberlin, 1947) — USA
* "A. andhracus" Patel & Reddy, 1990 — India
* "A. annulatus" (Kulczynski, 1906) — Balkans
* "A. antipovae" Marusik & Kovblyuk, 2004 — Georgia
* "A. asuncionis" Mello-Leitão, 1946 — Paraguay
* "A. ausobskyi" Thaler & Knoflach, 1998 — Greece
* "A. barbaricus" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. barbarus" Simon, 1910 — Algeria
* "A. borealis" Emerton, 1909 — USA, Canada
* "A. candia" Thaler & Knoflach, 2002 — Crete
* "A. cerberus" Fage, 1931 — Spain
* "A. corruptus" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. crassipalpis" Canestrini & Pavesi, 1870 — Germany, Switzerland, Italy
* "A. cretaensis" Wunderlich, 1995 — Crete
* "A. deelemanae" Thaler & Knoflach, 1995 — Greece, Crete
* "A. diablo" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. distortus" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. dorotheae" (Chamberlin, 1947) — USA
* "A. drenskii" Kratochvíl, 1934 — Bosnia-Hercegovina
* "A. erberi" (Keyserling, 1863) — Europe, Canary Islands
* "A. fenestralis" (Ström, 1768) — Europe to Central Asia
* "A. ferox" (Walckenaer, 1830) — Holarctic
* "A. festae" Caporiacco, 1934 — Libya
* "A. galeritus" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. geminus" Thaler & Knoflach, 2002 — Crete
* "A. hagiellus" (Chamberlin, 1947) — USA
* "A. heathi" (Chamberlin, 1947) — USA
* "A. hercegovinensis" Kulczynski, 1915 — Bosnia-Hercegovina
* "A. indicus" Bastawade, 2002 — India
* "A. intermedius" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. jugorum" L. Koch, 1868 — Europe
* "A. kratochvili" Miller, 1938 — Croatia
* "A. latebrosus" Simon, 1874 — Corsica
* "A. latescens" (Chamberlin, 1919) — USA
* "A. leechi" Brignoli, 1983 — USA
* "A. longipes" Thaler & Knoflach, 1995 — Greece
* "A. mathetes" (Chamberlin, 1947) — USA
* "A. mephisto" (Chamberlin, 1947) — USA
* "A. milloti" Hubert, 1973 — Nepal
* "A. minor" Kulczynski, 1915 — Eastern Europe
* "A. minutus" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. nathabhaii" Patel & Patel, 1975 — India
* "A. obustus" L. Koch, 1868 — Europe
* "A. occidentalis" Simon, 1892 — Portugal, Spain, France
* "A. ossa" Thaler & Knoflach, 1993 — Greece
* "A. pallidus" L. Koch, 1868 — Southeastern Europe to Georgia
* "A. palomar" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. paon" Thaler & Knoflach, 1993 — Greece
* "A. pavesii" Pesarini, 1991 — Italy
* "A. pelops" Thaler & Knoflach, 1991 — Greece
* "A. phaeacus" Thaler & Knoflach, 1998 — Greece
* "A. prosopidus" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. ruffoi" Thaler, 1990 — Italy
* "A. sciakyi" Pesarini, 1991 — Italy
* "A. scopolii" Thorell, 1871 — Southern Europe
* "A. similis" (Blackwall, 1861) — Holarctic
* "A. spominimus" Taczanowski, 1866 — Poland
* "A. strandi" Charitonov, 1937 — Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine
* "A. tamalpais" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. thoracicus" Mello-Leitão, 1945 — Argentina
* "A. transversus" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. triangularis" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. tristis" L. Koch, 1875 — Ethiopia
* "A. tulare" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. vachoni" Hubert, 1965 — Spain
* "A. vexans" Leech, 1972 — USA
* "A. yanoianus" Nakatsudi, 1943 — Micronesia
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