

Infobox CityIT
official_name = Comune di Capaccio
img_coa = Capaccio Stemma.gif
img_coa_small =

image_caption =
region = RegioneIT|sigla=CAM
province = ProvinciaIT (short form)|sigla=SA (SA)
mayor =
mayor_party =
elevation_footnotes =
elevation_m =
area_footnotes =
area_total_km2 = 112
population_footnotes =
population_as_of = 31-12-04
population_total = 20934
pop_density_footnotes =
population_density_km2 = 179
coordinates = coord|40|25|0|N|15|5|0|E|region:IT_type:city(20934)
gentilic = Capaccesi
telephone = 0828
postalcode = 84047 (Capoluogo), 84040 (Capaccio Scalo), 84050 (Laura -Gromola), 84063 ( Paestum), 84060 (Ponte Barizzo)
frazioni = Paestum, Borgo Nuovo, Capaccio Scalo, Cafasso, Chiorbo, Foce Sele,Gaiarda, Gromola, Laura, Licinella, Linora, Ponte Barizzo, Rettifilo-Vannulo, Spinazzo, S. Venere, Tempa di Lepre,Torre di Mare, Tempa San Paolo, Vuccolo Maiorano
saint = San Vito
day = 15 June
mapx = #expr:40 + 25 / 60.0
mapy = #expr:15 + 5 / 60.0
locator_position =
native_name = Capaccio
name = Capaccio
website =

Capaccio is a town and "comune" in the province of Salerno in the Campania region of south-western Italy. The ruins of the ancient city of Paestum lie within borders of the "comune".

Notes and references

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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