- ADAM protein
ADAM protein (A
Disintegrin AndMetalloproteinase protein ) is a family of peptidase proteins [cite journal |author=Wolfsberg TG, Straight PD, Gerena RL, "et al" |title=ADAM, a widely distributed and developmentally regulated gene family encoding membrane proteins with a disintegrin and metalloprotease domain |journal=Dev. Biol. |volume=169 |issue=1 |pages=378–383 |year=1995 |pmid=7750654 |doi=10.1006/dbio.1995.1152] . ADAMs are also known as the Adamalysin family. ADAMs are classified asSheddase s because they cut off or shed extracellular portions oftransmembrane proteins . For example, ADAM 10 can cut off part of theHER2 receptor, activating it [cite journal | last = Liu | first = P.C. | coauthors = et. al | url = http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=16627989 | title = Identification of ADAM10 as a major source of HER2 ectodomain sheddase activity in HER2 overexpressing breast cancer cells. | journal = Cancer Biology and Therapy | volume = 6 | pages = 657–664 | year = 2006] . Therapeutic ADAM inhibitors can potentiate anti-cancer therapyFact|date=March 2007.It is categorized under EC number|
Types include:
*ADAM17 References
External links
* http://www.healthvalue.net/sheddase.html
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