Timex Sinclair 2048

Timex Sinclair 2048

: "This article is about the Timex Sinclair 2048 (TS 2048). For the similarly-named but different ZX Spectrum-variant sold in Portugal and Poland, see Timex Computer 2048 (TC 2048)."The Timex Sinclair 2048 was an improved version of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer. Never released by Timex Corporation in its home market of North America, it was essentially a cut-down TS2068 with 16 KB of RAM. It was announced in a Timex flyer as a 40 KB memory machine (24 KB ROM + 16 KB RAM).

It was also released in Poland as Unipolbrit 2086. The name came from UNIted POLish BRITish.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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