- Stripey-Jumper
Stripey-Jumper [http://www.stripey-jumper.co.uk/home.html] is a British
street theater group that claims to have recently set the world's record for the largest number of people simultaneously playingspoon s musically. 345 people gathered inTrowbridge , southwest England, onJuly 23 ,2006 at the renound Trowbridge Village Pump Festival [http://www.trowbridgefestival.co.uk] to joinThe Banjo Billys [http://www.myspace.com/thebanjobillys] and perform a version of the Britishpub song "Knees Up, Mother Brown" in front of a group of judges. The judges have sent the verified count to the board of theGuinness Book of World Records for validation. Stripey-Jumper [http://www.stripey-jumper.co.uk/home.html] continue to perform at many festivals including The Endorse-it in-Dorset Festival [http://www.lgofestivals.com]
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