Uqba ibn Abu Mu'ayt — ( ar. عقبة بن أبو معيط) (d. 624) was a member of the Quraish tribe.He had two children, both becoming Muslims: Walid ibn Uqba and Umm Kulthum binte Uqba.Uqba constantly ridiculed Muhammad when the latter was preaching in Mecca. On one occasion,… … Wikipedia
Bilal ibn Rabah — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bilal. Miniature perse représentant Bilal entouré par les compagnons de Mahomet, lui même n’étant pas représenté. Bilal Ibn Rabah, ( … Wikipédia en Français
Sa'd ibn Mu'adh — Sa’d ibn Mu adh était un chef de la tribu des Banu Aws à Yathrib (future Médine). Biographie C est dès l arrivée à Yathrib de Mahomet que Sa’d ibn Mu adh se convertit à l islam. Selon Maxime Rodinson, Mahomet, éditions du Seuil, (1994), p.188, la … Wikipédia en Français
Persons related to Qur'anic verses — Some of the Qur anic verses are said to be revealed pertaining to some specific person. This is a list of them [For further references, see the article of each individual] :ClansBanu Abd al ManafA sub clan of the Quraish tribe.Generally102.1 2:… … Wikipedia
Non-Muslim interactants with Muslims during Muhammad's era — A series of articles on Prophet of Islam Muhammad Life In Mecca · Hijra · … Wikipedia
Hadith of the prediction in Sura al-Rum — A Hadith, a recorded oral tradition, is attached to a prediction in the Qur anic Sura ar Rum. More traditions can be found in the books dealing with the Life of the Prophet, as well as the Quranic Tafaseer (exegeses). Introduction The early… … Wikipedia
Al-Anfal — Infobox Sura Name of Surah=Al Anfal Arabic name=الأنفال Screenshot of Surah= Caption= Classification=Madinan Meaning of the name=The Spoils of War Other names= Time of the hour Sura number=8 Number of verses=75 Juz number=9 to 10 Hizb number=18… … Wikipedia
Al-Furqan — Infobox Sura Name of Surah=Al Furqan Arabic name=سورة الفرقان Screenshot of Surah= Caption= Classification=Makkan Meaning of the name=The Criterion, The Standard Other names= Time of revelation= Sura number=25 Number of verses= Juz number= Hizb… … Wikipedia
Corán — andalusí del siglo XII. El Corán es el libro sagrado del islam, que para los musulmanes contiene la palabra del Dios único (Allāh, الله), revelada a Mahoma (Muhammad o Muhammed, محمد), quien se considera que recibió estas revelaciones por medio… … Wikipedia Español
1st century AH — is a lunar century in the Islamic calendar that corresponds to 622 ndash; 719 CE. NOTOC yearbox width = 500 in?= cp=1st century BH c=1st century AH cf=2nd century AH| yp1=3 BH yp2=2 BH yp3=1 BH year=1 AH ya1=2 AH ya2=3 AH ya3=4 AH dp3=30s BH… … Wikipedia