Per Axel Rydberg

Per Axel Rydberg

Per Axel Rydberg (July 6 1860 - July 25 1931) was a botanist. He was born in Odh, Västergötland, Sweden, but emigrated to the United States in 1882. He took his BS and MS degrees at the University of Nebraska and his PhD at Columbia University. He was principally a field botanist and taxonomist; a prolific research publisher, he described around 1700 new species in the course of his career. His expertise was principally in the flora of the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains. [Rydberg, P.A. 1895. Flora of the sand hills of Nebraska. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 3:133-203.]

From 1899, Rydberg was on the staff of the New York Botanical Garden, and he eventually became the first curator of the Garden's Herbarium.


External links

* [ Brief biography] on the website of Western Kentucky University
* [ Information about Rydberg and archives relating to him] on the New York Botanic Garden website

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