Hyperelliptic curve cryptography
- Hyperelliptic curve cryptography
Hyperelliptic curve cryptography is similar to elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) insomuch as the algebraic geometry construct of a hyperelliptic curve with an appropriate group law provides an Abelian group on which to do arithmetic.
The use of hyperelliptic curves in cryptography came about in 1989 from Neal Koblitz. Although introduced only 3 years after ECC, not many cryptosystems implement hyperelliptic curves because the implementation of the arithmetic isn't as efficient as with cryptosystems based on elliptic curves or factoring (RSA). Also for hyperelliptic curves of genus higher that 3, there are known efficient sub-exponential attacksFact|date=July 2008, in contrast to the case of elliptic curves whose best known attack is exponential.
The hyperelliptic curves used are typically of the sort where the degree of is 5 — a genus two hyperelliptic curve, or 7 — a genus three hyperelliptic curve.
Taking the idea of hyperelliptic curve cryptography to the next level, tori can be used in torus based cryptography. These systems are even more complicated (computationally) than hyperelliptic curve based cryptosystems.
External links
* Colm Ó hÉigeartaigh [http://www.computing.dcu.ie/~coheigeartaigh/crypto.html Implementation of some hyperelliptic curves algorithms] using MIRACL
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