

name = "Phiocricetomys"
fossil_range = Early Oligocene
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Rodentia
subordo = Hystricomorpha
infraordo = Hystricognathi
parvordo = Phiomorpha
familia = Myophiomyidae
subfamilia = Phiocricetomyinae
subfamilia_authority = Lavocat, 1973
genus = "Phiocricetomys"
genus_authority = Wood, 1968

"Phiocricetomys" is an extinct genus of rodent from Africa. It is the only genus in the subfamily Phiocricetomyinae.


*Lavocat, R. 1973. Les rongeurs du Miocčne dAfrique Orientale. "Memoires et travaux Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Institut Montpellier", 1:1-284.
*Simons, E.L. and Wood, A.E. 1968. Early Cenozoic mammalian faunas, Fayum Province, Egypt. Part II, the African Oligocene Rodentia. "Peabody Museum Bulletin", 28:23-105.

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