

Revel may refer to:


* communes in France:
** Revel, Haute-Garonne
** Revel, Isère
** Revel-Tourdan, in the Isère "département"
* in Estonia:
**Revel, Russian form of the German name for Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Officially used 1880-1917


* Bernard Revel (1885-1940), rabbi and the first president of Yeshiva University
* Jean-François Revel (1924-2006), French intellectual known for his 2002 book, "Anti-Americanism"


* Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies at Yeshiva University
* REVEL velocity model, REcent VELocity model used to determine tectonic plate motions
* Revel Entertainment Group, casino development company

ee also

*Revels (disambiguation)
* The Revelers

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  • Revel — steht für folgende französische Gebietskörperschaften: Revel (Haute Garonne), eine Stadt im Département Haute Garonne Kanton Revel, ein Kanton im Département Haute Garonne Revel (Isère), eine Gemeinde im Département Isère Revel Tourdan, eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • revel in — ˈrevel ˌin [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they revel in he/she/it revels in present participle revelling in past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • Revel — Rev el, n. [OF. revel rebellion, disorder, feast, sport. See {Revel}, v. i.] A feast with loose and noisy jollity; riotous festivity or merrymaking; a carousal. [1913 Webster] This day in mirth and revel to dispend. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Some… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • revel — [rev′əl] vi. reveled or revelled, reveling or revelling [ME revelen < MFr reveler, to revel, lit., to rebel < L rebellare: see REBEL] 1. to make merry; be noisily festive 2. to take much pleasure; delight (in) [to revel in one s freedom] n …   English World dictionary

  • Revel — C est dans l Aveyron que le nom est le plus répandu, mais on le trouve dans d autres régions. Quelle que soit son origine géographique, il désigne presque toujours celui qui est originaire d une localité appelée Revel (Haute Garonne, Isère… …   Noms de famille

  • revel — (n.) c.1300, riotous merry making, from O.Fr. revel, from reveler be disorderly, make merry, from L. rebellare to rebel (see REBEL (Cf. rebel)). The verb meaning to feast in a noisy manner is first recorded early 14c. The meaning take great… …   Etymology dictionary

  • revel in — (something) to get great pleasure from a situation or an activity. She usually got the jobs she wanted, and she reveled in them. Etymology: based on the literal meaning of revel (= to dance, drink, sing, and enjoy yourself in a noisy way) …   New idioms dictionary

  • revel — [n] celebration, merrymaking bacchanal, carousal, carouse, debauch, festivity, frolic, gaiety, gala, high jinks*, jollification, jollity, merriment, party, reveling, revelment, saturnalia, skylarking*, spree, wassail, whoopee*; concepts 292,377… …   New thesaurus

  • revel — ► VERB (revelled, revelling; US reveled, reveling) 1) engage in lively and noisy festivities. 2) (revel in) gain great pleasure from. ► NOUN (revels) ▪ li …   English terms dictionary

  • Revel — Rev el, n. (Arch.) See {Reveal}. [R.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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