- Chess piece
For other uses, see Chess piece (disambiguation).Original Staunton chess pieces, left to right: pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen, and king.
Chess pieces King Queen Rook Bishop Knight Pawn Chess pieces or chessmen are the pieces deployed on a chessboard to play the game of chess. The pieces vary in abilities, giving them different values in the game. For a standard chess game both players start with:
Any pawn that reaches the eighth row during the game must be promoted to become any other piece of the same color except a king.
One side is referred to as "White" and the other as "Black" (see White and Black in chess). To distinguish between the two, the black pieces are darker than the white pieces, although pieces are not necessarily pure black or white. The Staunton chess set is the standard style for tournament or casual play. Besides these standard pieces, there exist many chess variants or certain kinds of chess problems that call for non-standard fairy pieces.
In chess, the word piece has three meanings, depending on the context.
- "Piece" may mean any of the physical pieces of the set, including the pawns. This is the same as "chessmen" (Hooper & Whyld 1992:307).
- In play, the term is usually used to exclude pawns, referring only to a queen, rook, bishop, knight, or king. (In this case, the general term for piece or pawn is man or chessman.) In this context, the pieces can be broken down into three groups: major pieces (queen and rook), minor pieces (bishop and knight), and kings (Brace 1977:220).
- It may refer only to a minor piece (a bishop or knight) (anon 2010)
The context should make the intended meaning clear (Burgess 2009:523), (Hooper & Whyld 1992:307).
Movement of the pieces
a b c d e f g h 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 a b c d e f g h Starting position (squares are designated according to algebraic notation)- Main article: Rules of chess
Staunton chess pieces on chess board with chess clock.Each piece moves in a different way.
- The rook moves any number of vacant squares along rows or columns (forward, backward, left or right). It also is involved (with the king) in the special move called castling.
- The bishop moves any number of vacant squares diagonally. Consequently a bishop stays on squares of the same color throughout a game. The two bishops each player starts with move on squares of opposite colors.
- The queen moves any number of vacant squares in any direction along a row, column, or diagonal.
- The king moves only one vacant square in any direction. It can also castle in conjunction with a rook.
- The knight moves to a vacant square in an "L"-shape (two spaces forward, backward, left, or right and one space perpendicular to it). The knight can jump over other pieces when moving.
- The pawn can only move forward one space, or optionally two spaces when on its starting square, in a straight line away from the player. When there is an enemy piece one square diagonally ahead from the pawn (either left or right), then the pawn may capture that piece. A pawn can perform a special type of capture of an enemy pawn called en passant. If the pawn reaches a back rank of the opposite player, it undergoes promotion to the player's choice of a rook, bishop, queen or knight (Just & Burg 2003:13–16).
Pieces capture opposing pieces by replacing them on their square, except for an en passant capture. Pieces other than the pawn capture in the same way they move. A captured piece is removed from the board. Only one piece may occupy a given square. Except for castling and the movement of the knight, a piece may not move over another piece (Just & Burg 2003:13–16).
Chess sets
The variation of designs available is broad, from small cosmetic changes to highly abstract representations to themed designs such as those that emulate the drawings from the works of Lewis Carroll or modern treatments such as Star Trek or The Simpsons. Themed designs are usually intended for display rather than for actual play (Hooper & Whyld 1992:76). Some works of art are designs of chess sets, such as the modernist chess set by chess enthusiast and dadaist Man Ray, which is on display in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.[1]
Chess pieces used for play are usually figurines that are taller than they are wide. For example, a set of pieces designed for a chessboard with 2¼ inch (57 mm) squares typically have a king around 3¾ inches (95 mm) tall. They are available in a variety of designs, with the most well-known Staunton design, which is named after Howard Staunton (a 19th century English chess player), and was designed by Nathaniel Cook. The first Staunton style sets were made in 1849 by Jaques of London (also known as John Jaques of London and Jaques and Son of London) (Just & Burg 2003:225).
Wooden chess pieces are normally made of the light wood boxwood or sometimes maple. Black wooden pieces are either made of a dark wood such as rosewood, ebony, red sandalwood, or walnut; or they are made of boxwood and stained or painted black, brown, or red. Plastic white pieces are made of white or off-white plastic and black pieces are made of black or red plastic. Sometimes other materials are used, such as bone, ivory, or a composite material (Just & Burg 2003:224,226).
For actual play, pieces of the Staunton chess set design are the standard. The height of the king should be between 85 mm and 105 mm (3.35 to 4.13 inches). USCF rules call for a king height between 3⅜ and 4½ inches tall (86 to 114 mm). A height of approximately 95 to 102 mm (3¾ to 4 inches) is preferred by most players. The diameter of the king should be 40 to 50 percent of its height. The size of the other pieces should be in proportion to the king. The pieces should be well balanced. The length of the sides of the squares of the chessboard should be approximately 1.25–1.3 times the diameter of the base of the king, or 50 to 65 mm (2 to 2½ inches). Squares of size of approximately 57 mm (2¼ inches) normally are well-suited for pieces with the kings in the preferred size range. These criteria are from the United States Chess Federation's Official Rules of Chess, which is based on the Fédération Internationale des Échecs rules (Just & Burg 2003:224–27).
Some small magnetic sets, designed to be compact and/or for travel, have pieces more like those used in Shogi and Xiangqi — each piece being a similar flat token, with a symbol drawn on it to show which piece it is.
On computers, chess pieces are often 2-D symbols on a 2-D board, although some programs have fancier 3-D graphics engines with more traditional designs of chess pieces.
Unicode contains symbols for chess pieces in both white and black.
Grandmaster Larry Evans offers this advice on buying a set (Evans 1973:18):
"Make sure the one you buy is easy on the eye, felt-based, and heavy (weighted). The men should be constructed so they don't come apart. ... The regulation board used by the U. S. Chess Federation is green and buff — never red and black. However there are several good inlaid [wood] boards on the market. ... Avoid cheap equipment. Chess offers a lifetime of enjoyment for just a few dollars well spent at the outset."
Relative value
Main article: Chess piece relative valueThe value assigned to a piece attempts to represent the strength this piece potentially has in a game. With game circumstances constantly changing, so do the values assigned to the pieces. A bishop positioned to control a long, open diagonal appears more valuable than a knight stuck in a corner. Similar ideas apply to placing rooks on open files and knights on active, central squares. The standard valuation is 1 point for a pawn, 3 points for a knight or bishop, 5 points for a rook, and 9 points for a queen (Hooper & Whyld 1992:438–39). These values are general, throughout a game; in specific circumstances the values may be quite different—a knight can be more valuable than a queen in a particular decisive attack.
Piece names
Language King Queen Rook Bishop Knight Pawn Chess Check Checkmate figurine ♔ ♚ ♕ ♛ ♖ ♜ ♗ ♝ ♘ ♞ ♙ ♟ ... + # Afrikaans K Koning D Dame (lady) T Toring (tower) L Loper (runner) R Ruiter (rider) (P) Pion Skaak Skaak Skaakmat Arabic م مَلِك و وزير ر رخ/طابية ف فيل ح حصان ب بيدق/عسكري شطرنج كِش مَلِك كِش مات Bānglā R Rājā
রাজাM Montri
মন্ত্রীN Noukā
নৌকাG Gôjo
গজGh ghodā
ঘোড়া(B) Bore
কিস্তিমাতBelarusian К кароль Вз візыр Лд ладзьдзя А афіцэр В вершнік (Л) латнік Шахматы Шах Мат Bulgarian Ц цар Д дама Т топ О офицер К кон (П) пешка Шахмат/Шах Шах (Шах и) мат Catalan R rei D dama/reina (lady/queen) T torre (tower) A alfil C cavall (horse) (P) peó Escacs Escac/Xec Escac i mat Chinese K 王
(Wáng, king)Q 后
(Hòu, queen)R 車
(Chē, chariot)B 象
(Xiàng, elephant)N 馬
(Mǎ, horse)(P) 兵
(Bīng, soldier)國際象棋
(Guójì Xiàngqí)將軍
(Jiāngjūn, general)將死
(Jiàng sǐ, checkmate)Croatian K kralj D dama/kraljica T top/kula L lovac/laufer S skakač/konj (P) pješak Šah Šah Šah mat Czech K král D dáma V věž S střelec J jezdec (P) pěšec Šachy Šach Mat Danish K konge (king) D dronning (queen) T tårn (tower) L løber (runner) S springer (jumper) (B) bonde (peasant) Skak Skak Skakmat Dutch K koning (king) D dame/koningin (lady/queen) T toren/kasteel (tower/castle) L loper/raadsheer (runner/counsellor) P paard (horse) (pi) pion Schaken Schaak Mat/Schaakmat English K king Q queen R rook B bishop N/Kt knight (P) pawn Chess Check Checkmate Esperanto R reĝo (king) D damo (lady) T turo (tower) K kuriero (courier) Ĉ ĉevalo (horse) (P) peono Ŝako Ŝak Ŝakmato Estonian K kuningas (king) L lipp V vanker O oda R ratsu (E) ettur Male Tuli Matt Finnish K kuningas (king) D daami/kuningatar (lady/queen) T torni (tower) L lähetti (messenger) R ratsu (horse) (S) sotilas Shakki Shakki Matti/Shakkimatti French R roi (king) D dame (lady) T tour (tower) F fou (jester) C cavalier (rider) (P) pion Échecs Échec Échec et mat German K König (king) D Dame (lady) T Turm (tower) L Läufer (runner) S Springer (jumper) (B) Bauer (farmer) Schach Schach Schachmatt Greek Ρ βασιλιάς Β βασίλισσα Π πύργος Α αξιωματικός Ι ίππος (Σ) πιόνι Σκάκι Σαχ Mάτ Hebrew מ מלך מה מלכה צ צריח ר רץ פ פרש רגלי שחמט שח מט Hindi R राजा
rājāV वज़ीर
vajīrH हाथी
hāthīO ऊँठ
ūṁṭG घोड़ा
ghoṛā(P) प्यादा
shāhmātHungarian K király V vezér B bástya F futó H huszár (P) gyalog/paraszt Sakk Sakk Matt Icelandic K kóngur (king) D drottning (queen) H hrókur B biskup (bishop) R riddari (knight) (P) peð Skák Skák Skák og mát Indonesian R raja (king) M menteri B benteng G gajah K kuda (horse) (P) pion Catur Skak Skak mati Irish R rí (king) B banríon (womanking?) C caiseal (bulwark) E easpag (lock) D ridire (knight) (F) fichillín/ceithearnach Ficheall Sáinn Marbhsháinn Italian R re (king) D regina (queen) T torre (tower) A alfiere C cavallo (horse) (P) pedone Scacchi Scacco Scacco matto Japanese K キング (kingu) Q クイーン (kuīn) R ルーク (rūku) B ビショップ (bishoppu) N ナイト (naito) (P) ポーン (pōn) チェス (chesu) 王手/
チェック (chekku)詰み/
チェックメイト (chekkumeito)Korean K 킹 Q 퀸 R 룩 B 비숍 N 나이트 (P) 폰 체스 체크 체크메이트 Latin R rex G regina T turris E episcopus Q eques (P) pedes Scacci Scaccus Mattus Latvian K karalis D dāma T tornis L laidnis Z zirgs (B) bandinieks Šahs Šahs Šahs un mats Lithuanian K karalius V valdovė B bokštas R rikis Ž žirgas (P) pėstininkas Šachmatai Šach Matas Luxembourgish K kinnek D damm T tuerm (tower) L leefer (runner) P päerd (horse) (B) bauer (farmer) Schach Schach Schachmatt Mongolian Н ноён (lord) Б бэрс (ferz) т тэрэг (chariot) Т тэмээ (camel) М морь (rider) (Х) хүү (paige) Шатар шаг, дуг, цод мад Norwegian K konge D dronning T tårn L løper S springer (B) bonde Sjakk Sjakk Sjakkmatt Persian ش شاه و وزیر ق/ر قلعه/رخ ف فیل ا اسب س سرباز شطرنج کیش کیشمات Polish K król H hetman W wieża G goniec S skoczek (P) pion szachy szach mat (szach-mat / szach i mat) Portuguese R rei (king) D dama/rainha (lady/queen) T torre (tower) B bispo (bishop) C cavalo (horse) (P) peão Xadrez Xeque Xeque-mate Romanian R rege D regină T turn N nebun C cal (P) pion Şah Şah Mat Russian Кр король Ф ферзь Л ладья С слон К конь (П) пешка Шахматы Шах Мат Serbian К краљ / kralj Д дама / dama Т топ / top Л ловац / lovac С скакач / skakač (П) пешак / pešak Шах / Šah Шах / Šah Мат / Mat Sicilian R re D riggina T turru A alferu S scecchu (P) pidinu Scacchi Slovak K kráľ D dáma V veža S strelec J jazdec (P) pešiak Šach Šach Mat/Šachmat Slovene K kralj D dama T trdnjava L lovec S skakač (P) kmet Šah Šah Mat/Šahmat Spanish R rey (king) D dama/reina (lady/queen) T torre (tower) A alfil (elephant, in Arabic) C caballo (horse) (P) peón Ajedrez Jaque Jaque mate Swedish K kung D dam/drottning (lady/queen) T torn (tower) L löpare (runner) S springare/häst (horse) (B) bonde (peasant) Schack Schack Schack matt Tamil K Raja Q Rani R yanai / kOttai B Mandhiri / thEr N/Kt Kudhirai (P) Sepoi Sadhurangam Check Checkmate Telugu రాజు
kaţţuTurkish Ş/K şah/kral V vezir K kale F fil A at (P) er/piyon Satranç Şah Mat Ukrainian Kр король Ф ферзь T тура C слон K кінь (П) пішак Шахи Шах Мат Urdu Badshah Wazir Qila Haathi Ghora Piada Shatranj Sheh Shehmaat Vietnamese V Vua H Hậu X Xe T Tượng M Mã _ Tốt Cờ vua Chiếu Chiếu bí Welsh T teyrn/brenin B brenhines C castell E esgob M marchog (G) gwerinwr Gwyddbwyll Siach Siachmat See also
- Staunton chess set
- Lewis chessmen
- Chess piece relative value
- Chessboard
- Rules of chess
- Outline of chess
- anon (2010) (html), Chess Strategies Blog, http://www.chessstrategiesblog.com/chess-glossary, retrieved 2011-11-5
- Brace, Edward (1977), An Illustrated Dictionary of Chess, Craftwell, ISBN 1-55521-394-4
- Burgess, Graham (2009), The Mammoth Book of Chess (3rd ed.), Running Press, ISBN 978-0-7624-3726-9
- Evans, Larry (1973), Evans on Chess, Conerstone Library, ISBN 0877496994
- Hooper, David; Whyld, Kenneth (1992), "Value of pieces", The Oxford Companion to Chess (2nd ed.), Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-280049-3
- Just, Tim; Burg, Daniel S. (2003), U.S. Chess Federation's Official Rules of Chess (5th ed.), McKay, ISBN 0-8129-3559-4
- Luiro, Ari (2009) (html), Chess pieces in different languages, http://www.webcitation.org/5kmX4kfov, retrieved 2011-11-4
External links
- FIDE on chess equipment
- FIDE Laws of Chess
- History of Staunton Chess Pieces
- Chess pieces in different languages
- Online "Chess Museum" with many historic examples.
- How chess pieces are made.
Chess pieces Chess Categories:- Chess pieces
- Chess sets
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