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  • Mestel — Andrew Jonathan Mestel (* 13. März 1957 in Cambridge) ist ein englischer Schachspieler. Mestel gewann 1974 die Weltmeisterschaft der unter 16 Jährigen und dreimal die Britische Meisterschaft (1976, 1983 und 1988). Beim Traditionsturnier von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • MESTEL, JACOB — (1884–1958), Yiddish poet, actor, journalist, playwright, and theater director. Born in Zlochev, Galicia, his first lyrics appeared in the Lemberg (Lvov) Togblat and were collected in the booklet Ferkholemte Shoen ( Dream Hours, 1909). He gained… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Jonathan Mestel — Jonathan Speelman, John Nunn, Murray Chandler, Jonathan Mestel, William Watson und Nigel Short gewannen 1988 die Silbermedaille bei der Schacholympiade in Thessaloniki. Andrew Jonathan Mestel (* 13. März 1957 in Cambridge) ist ein englischer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • A. L. Mestel — Ascher Lawrence Mestel (born 17 September 1926) is a pediatric surgeon who lives in Brooklyn, New York. He is one of the pioneers in the field of pediatric surgery and is widely published.[1] He is especially well known for the groundbreaking… …   Wikipedia

  • Dr A L Mestel — Doctor Ascher Lawrence Mestel (born 17th of September 1926) is a pediatric surgeon who lives in Brooklyn, New York. He is one of the pioneers in the field of pediatric surgery and is widely published. [… …   Wikipedia

  • Jonathan Mestel — Andrew Jonathan Mestel (Cambridge, Inglaterra, 13 de marzo de 1957) es un experto en matemática aplicada en el Imperial College London, donde trabaja en magnetohidrodinámica y dinámica de fluidos biológica. Fue la primera persona que recibió los… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Jonathan Mestel — Dr Andrew Jonathan Mestel (born 13 March 1957 in Cambridge, England) is an applied mathematician at Imperial College who works on magnetohydrodynamics and biological fluid dynamics. He was the first person to be awarded chess International… …   Wikipedia

  • Leon Mestel — (born 5 August, 1927) is a British astronomer who has won both the Eddington Medal (1993) and Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society (2002).He was born in Melbourne, Australia, and came to England at the age of three, where he lived in… …   Wikipedia

  • Jonathan Mestel — Naissance 13 mars 1957 (1957 03 13) (54 ans) Cambridge, Royaume Uni Nationalité …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Leon Mestel — (né le 5 août 1927) est un astronome britannique qui a gagné à la fois la Médaille Eddington (1993) et la Médaille d or de la Royal Astronomical Society (2002). Biographie Il naquit à Melbourne, en Australie et émigra en Angleterre à l âge de… …   Wikipédia en Français

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