Sendai virus

Sendai virus

color = violet
name = "Sendai virus"

image_width = px
image_caption =
virus_group = v
ordo = "Mononegavirales"
familia = "Paramyxoviridae"
subfamilia = "Paramyxovirinae"
genus = "Respirovirus"
type_species = "Sendai virus"

"Sendai virus" (SeV), also known as murine parainfluenza virus type 1, is a negative sense, single-stranded RNA virus of the "Paramyxoviridae" familycite journal | last = Faísca | first = P | coauthors = Desmecht D | title = Sendai virus, the mouse parainfluenza type 1: a longstanding pathogen that remains up-to-date. | journal = Res Vet Sci | volume = 82 | pages = 11525 | year = 2006 | month=Mar 8 | pmid = 16759680 | url= | doi = 10.1016/j.rvsc.2006.03.009] , a group of viruses featuring, notably, the "Morbillivirus" and "Rubulavirus" genera. SeV is a member of the paramyxovirus subfamily "Paramyxovirinae", genus "Respirovirus", members of which primarily infect mammals.cite web | url = | title = Paramyxoviridae | accessdate = 2007-06-13 | date = Reviewed on July 15, 2005 | publisher = International Union of Microbiological Societies, Virology Division

SeV is responsible for a highly transmissible respiratory tract infection in mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, and occasionally pigs, with infection passing through both air and direct contact routes. The virus can be detected in mouse colonies worldwide, generally in suckling to young adult mice. Epizootic infections of mice are usually associated with a high mortality rate, while enzootic disease patterns suggest that the virus is latent and can be cleared over the course of a year. Sublethal exposure to SeV can promote long-lasting immunity to further lethal doses of SeVcite journal | last = López | first = CB | coauthors = Yount JS, Hermesh T, Moran TM | title = Sendai Virus Infection Induces Efficient Adaptive Immunity Independently of Type I Interferons. | journal = J Virol | volume = 80 | issue = 9 | pages = 453845 | year = 2006 | month=May | pmid = 16611914 | url= | doi = 10.1128/JVI.80.9.4538-4545.2006] .

A novel and well-recognized use for SeV is the fusion of eukaryotic cells, especially to produce hybridoma cells capable of manufacturing monoclonal antibodies in large quantities.

Diagnosis and Prophylaxis

SeV induces lesions within the respiratory tract, usually associated with bacterial inflammation of the trachea and lung (tracheitis and bronchopneumonia, respectively). However, the lesions are limited, and aren't indicative solely of SeV infection. Detection, therefore, makes use of SeV-specific antigens in several serological methods, including ELISA, immunofluorescence, and hemagglutination assays, with particular emphasis on use of the ELISA for its high sensitivity (unlike the hemagglutination assay) and its fairly early detection (unlike the immunofluorescence assay)cite journal | last = Kraft | first = V | coauthors = Meyer B | title = Diagnosis of murine infections in relation to test methods employed. | journal = Lab Anim Sci | volume =36 | issue = 3 | pages = 2716 | year =1986 | month=Jun | pmid = 3014210 ] .

Eaton "et al." advises that, when controlling an outbreak of SeV, disinfecting the laboratory environment and vaccinating the breeders, as well as eliminating infected animals and screening incoming animals, should clear the problem very quickly. Imported animals should be vaccinated with SeV and placed in quarantine, while, in the laboratory environment, breeding programs should be discontinued, and the non-breeding adults isolated for two months cite journal | last = Eaton | first = GJ | coauthors = Lerro A, Custer RP, Crane AR | title = Eradication of Sendai pneumonitis from a conventional mouse colony. | journal = Lab Anim Sci | volume =32 | issue = 4 | pages = 3846 | year =1982 | month=Aug | pmid = 6292576 ] .

endai Fusion

One recognized feature of the Sendai virus, shared with members of its genus, is the ability to induce syncytia formation in vitro in eukaryotic colonies. The mechanism for this process is fairly well comprehended and is very similar to the fusion process employed by the virion to facilitate cellular entry. The activities of the receptor binding hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein is solely responsible for inducing close interaction between the virus envelope and the cellular membrane. However, it is the F protein (one of many membrane fusion proteins) that, when triggered by local dehydrationcite journal | last = Hoekstra | first = D | coauthors = Klapper K, Hoff H, Nir S | title = Mechanism of fusion of Sendai virus: role of hydrophobic interactions and mobility constraints of viral membrane protein. | journal = J Biol Chem | volume =264 | issue = 12 | pages = 678692 | year =1989 | month=Apr | pmid = 2540161 ] and a conformation change in the bound HN proteincite journal | last = Takimoto | first = T | coauthors = Taylor GL, Connaris HC, Crennell SJ, Portner A | title = Role of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein in the mechanism of paramyxovirus-cell membrane fusion. | journal = J Virol | volume =76 | issue = 24 | pages = 1302833 | year =2002 | month=Dec | pmid = 12438628 | doi = 10.1128/JVI.76.24.13028-13033.2002 ] , actively inserts into the cellular membrane, which causes the envelope and the membrane to merge, followed shortly by virion entry. When the HN and F protein are manufactured by the cell and expressed on the surface, the same process may occur between adjacent cells, causing extensive membrane fusion and resulting in the formation of a syncytiumcite journal | last = Novick | first = SL | coauthors = Hoekstra D | title = Membrane penetration of Sendai virus glycoproteins during the early stages of fusion with liposomes as determined by hydrophobic photoaffinity labeling. | journal = Proc Natl Acad Sci USA | volume =85 | issue = 20 | pages = 74337 | year =1988 | month=Oct | pmid = 2845406 | doi = 10.1073/pnas.85.20.7433 ] .

This behavior of SeV was utilized by Köhler and Milstein, who published an article in 1975 outlining a revolutionary method of manufacturing monoclonal antibodies. In need of a reliable method to produce large quantities of a specific antibody, the two merged a monoclonal B cell, exposed to a chosen antigen, and a myeloma tumor cell to produce hybridomas, capable of being grown indefinitely and of producing significant amounts of an antibody specifically targeting the chosen antigen. Though more efficient methods of creating such hybrids have since been found, Köhler and Milstein first used Sendai virus to create their revolutionary cells cite journal | last = Köhler | first = G | coauthors = Milstein C | title = Continuous cultures of fused cells secreting antibody of predefined specificity. | journal = J Immunol | volume =17 | issue = 5 | pages = 24535 | year =2005 | month=Mar | pmid = 15728446 ] .


External links

* [ Sendai Virus] (Data sheet on the Sendai Virus from the University of Illinois)
* [ Implications of infectious agents] (Working party report describing the impact of various agents on animal experiments)

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  • Sendai virus — Sendai virus. См. вирус Сендай. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • Sendai virus — Sen·dai virus sen .dī n a parainfluenza virus (species Sendai virus of the genus Respirovirus) first reported from Japan that infects swine, mice, and humans * * * a paramyxovirus of the genus Respirovirus that causes latent infection in… …   Medical dictionary

  • Sendai virus — Sendai′ vi rus n. vet mcr a paramyxovirus that tends to cause cell fusion: in inactive form, used in biological research • Etymology: 1960–65; first described in Sendai, Japan …   From formal English to slang

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  • Sendai virus — Pathol., Vet. Pathol. a paramyxovirus that tends to cause cell fusion: in inactive form, used in biological research to produce cells with multiple nuclei of different genetic constitutions. [1960 65; first described in SENDAI, Japan] * * * …   Universalium

  • Sendai virus — Pathol., Vet. Pathol. a paramyxovirus that tends to cause cell fusion: in inactive form, used in biological research to produce cells with multiple nuclei of different genetic constitutions. [1960 65; first described in SENDAI, Japan] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sendai virus — noun a virus, of genus Paramyxovirus, found in mice but is not pathogenic for humans; it has the ability to generate heterokaryons by fusing cells …   Wiktionary

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